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List of all notable quotes by or about Galan (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 My journey is ended! This planet shall sustain me until it has been drained of all elemental life! So speaks Galactus! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 48
Quote1 I am Galactus. The be-all and end-all am I! Quote2
—Thor Vol 1 161
Quote1 It is your understanding I seek -- and not your enmity! Quote2
—Thor Vol 1 168
Quote1 Our race must die--in a manner befitting Taa! Quote2
—Thor Vol 1 169
Quote1 I have come from the farthest reaches of space -- to proclaim the doom of the human race! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 122
Quote1 ... On my word, we'll trouble you no more. Quote2
—Thor Vol 1 228
Quote1 I have need of a new Herald... Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 210
Quote1 I am power incarnate! To Galactus, nothing is impossible! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 213
Quote1 Hear me, people of Zenn-La! The Silver Surfer has betrayed Galactus! Thus, your planet is forfeit! Thus, Zenn-La shall be destroyed! Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 2 1
Quote1 Galactus does what Galactus must to survive. Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 243
Quote1 Of all the creatures in the vastness of the universe, there is none like me. I was present at the birth of the universe, and I shall be there at its end. Though I ravage worlds to live, I bear no malice toward any living thing. I simply do what I must to survive. And why must Galactus survive? For, no matter how many worlds I many civilizations I is my destiny to one day give back to the universe--infinitely more than I have ever taken from it. So speaks Galactus! Quote2
—Super-Villain Classics Vol 1 1
Quote1 But-- even if there is no cure-- there must be one-- one living being-- whose body is-- immune! One who can survive-- so that somewhere a vestige of Taa will live on! Quote2
—Marvel Saga the Official History of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 24
Quote1 I could not do what I do, I could not be what I am, if, like hapless humans, I were subject to emotions unbridled. No! I am Galactus! I cannot be more! I dare note be less! Quote2
—Silver Surfer: Judgment Day Vol 1 1
Quote1 I am the absence of opposites! I am something those who live among opposites cannot explain! I am in their words... "Galactus!" Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 18
Quote1 What business has Thanos of Titan with mighty Galactus? Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 48
Quote1 Thanos thinks to scare me off with parlor tricks, he has yet to face me in all my might. Then we shall see if he is truly the "god" he claims to be. Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 51
Quote1 This is no concern of yours, former herald. Begone! Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 67
Quote1 Who are you? Who is so ignorant as to confront Galactus in his sanctum? Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 69
Quote1 A bonding. Go forth, woman warrior. This day you are a healer. Your patient: All reality. Quote2
—Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 9
Quote1 Who is the greater evil, Starchilde... I, the devourer of life that has run its course... or you, who denies existence to generations of the future? Quote2
—Excalibur Vol 1 61
Quote1 No living thing dares ignore my call. For I am that which has always been, since this Universe was birthed from the ashes of the last. I am the hunger that dooms worlds. I am he who is beyond such frail Concepts as good and evil. I am Galactus. Quote2
—Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts Vol 1 1
Quote1 My journey is ended! This planet shall sustain me until it has been drained of all elemental life! So speaks Galactus! Quote2
—100 Greatest Marvels of All Time Vol 1 1
—Annihilation: Silver Surfer Vol 1 3
Quote1 Know me, Annihilus. Know me...and KNOW FEAR. Quote2
—Annihilation Vol 1 5
Quote1 This is why I am here. This is the death I have seen foreshadowed. Mad gods have come to destroy us all. The Celestials have arrived. Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 602
Quote1 Galactus... Hungers. Quote2
—Hunger Vol 1 1
Quote1 I am inevitable. I am... Destiny. I am Galactus and I hunger. Quote2
—Hunger Vol 1 2
Quote1 Who... who did this? Who could do this? Who chained the Cosmos? Quote2
—Ultimates Vol 3 5
Quote1 On our level, combat is a metaphor. A clash of ideas. By existing in this form, I damage your narrow systems -- your boundaries and categories. They lose your meaning. You lose your -- and by proving myself -- unnh -- the stronger of the two of us -- I damage you further. Retreat, ordered one, before I break your precious worldview into pieces. Quote2
—Ultimates Vol 3 6
Quote1 You get to be Squirrel Girl. You get to make her decisions. Quote2
—Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 7
Quote1 I... I... hunger. Quote2
—Ultimates 2 Vol 2 4
Quote1 Are you saying you did not summon Omnipotentis the Cosmic Omnivore? Quote2
—Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 26
Quote1 Oh, my naïve child. These beings die for the highest of callings -- to keep me alive. Such is the way of things. Such has been prophesied. I cannot have you driven mad by this. So those memories must go. Quote2
—Silver Surfer Annual Vol 2 1
Quote1 I have felt it, Traveler. This new power of mine... I can... feel the universe pulling me toward a purpose of its own design. I know... too many things. Soon I will outgrow this form... and I grow... hungry. So do what you must. But as one who has gazed into it and yet lived... I know but one thing about the nature of universal balance. You cannot defeat the dark... with darkness. Quote2
—Silver Surfer: Black Vol 1 4
Quote1 I did not happen upon Asgard. I did not come here for asylum... if you are to be my end, Thunder God... then we will kill the Black Winter together. And when we are done... I would have you close. So that I may have words with thee. Until then... rise... Herald of Thunder! Quote2
—Thor Vol 6 1
Quote1 You exist solely by the grace I have given and the leash you tug against. Or have you forgotten whom you serve, Little God?! Quote2
—Thor Vol 6 2
Quote1 No longer must I scour the cosmos alone. Let it be known throughout all existence that Galactus is allied with another. Quote2
—Heralds of Galactus (Earth-616)
Quote1 Those held in the Kyln defied cosmic consonance. They would have defied the Creator, remade his works in their images. The power they wield corrupts them. There was war. Quote2
—Proemial Gods
Quote1 ...fellow Scienceers of the Sixth Infinity--the time has come. We are the last beings of our universe. Quote2
Galactus (Earth-616) from Nova Vol 4 13 0001
Quote1 The fate of your world lies in your survival, and you wish to risk your life and the lives of everyone on earth on a fool's errand? Quote2
Mr. FantasticQuote1 I can't watch this and do nothing-- I have to try. Quote2
Galactus (Earth-616) from Nova Vol 4 13 0001
Quote1 Then do what you will I. Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 586
Pastor MikeQuote1 Please. Please. We beg of you -- have mercy. Have mercy on all our souls. Quote2
Galactus (Earth-616) from Nova Vol 4 13 0001
Quote1 No. Quote2
—Mighty Thor Vol 2 6

All items (43)
