Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
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The Carnage symbiote's history is presumably similar to its Earth-616 counterpart's. At some point, the Carnage symbiote forcefully bonded itself to Miles Morales, who was the host of the Venom symbiote, amalgamating with its progenitor and corrupting the Venom symbiote in the process. The two symbiotes subjugated Miles and agreed to serve Apocalypse as one of his enforcers in exchange for a ship to get off Earth before the Unmaker awakened and destroyed the planet.[1][2][3]

When a group of heroes arrived in Europe to stop Apocalypse, Carnage and Venom were sent to stop them. At first, the symbiotes had the element of surprise, but the heroes were able to fight back and separate Carnage and Venom from Miles. Storm then killed Carnage and Venom with bolts of lightning.[4]



Seemingly those of the Carnage symbiote of Earth-616.

See Also

Links and References

