Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 We call it the Bower. It's for folks who're...lonely. Or frustrated or sad...The ones you dramatic pose types never much notice. The ones who haven't figured out where they fit into paradise. Quote2
���Stacy X[src]

The Bower is a type of temple of sex and intimacy founded by Stacy X on Krakoa. In addition to offering a place where the lonely, frustrated, or sad can heal and find themselves, the Bower also acts as a sort of orphanage or nursery for Krakoan foundlings.[1]


The Bower was founded by Stacy X as a place of intimacy and healing for those ignored by the traditional X-teams. After founding the Bower, Stacy X found an abandoned infant one day on a walk and brought them to the Bower. Word got around and now an average of one infant a week is dropped off at the Bower.[1]

After regaining her powers through The Crucible, Lost began working with infants at the Bower. Under the influence of the Patchwork Man, Lost attacked Fabian Cortez in the Bower. Thankfully, the fight was broken up by Pixie before anyone was hurt.[1]

To stop her ship from being crashed into the the Bower by Dr. Harold Murch, Nanny activated the manual override self-destruct, injuring herself and destroying her ship.[2]

After Max's powers activated, nearly killing everyone in a hundred mile radius, Kid Omega began performing weekly scans on the birth ward in the Bower and offering mental salves on the infants.[3]

After infiltrating Krakoa through Dead Mutant Cove, Pike and two other XENO agents were able to sneak into the Bower and abduct three infants.[3] X-Force was able to rescue two of the infants, but Max was brought to the The Man with the Peacock Tattoo.[4]


Former Residents[]

See Also

Links and References

