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Marvel Database


In the Hyborian Age, a meteorite landed on Earth in Northern Vanaheim on the European continent, circa 8250 BC. It was controlled by an entity called the Exo-Mind, who wanted to take over the world. To that end, it sent its agent, Ulluxy'l Kwan Tae Syn, to find a host for it. However a local human hunter/gatherer found the rock and fought Ulluxy'l Kwan Tae Syn. In the fight, the meteor was smashed and its fragments scattered. One of the fragments (also called the Bloodgem) was embedded in the human's chest, and the explosion killed the human's tribe. The human vowed revenge on Ulluxy'l Kwan Tae Syn. Because of the gem in his chest, he became immortal, and later became known as Ulysses Bloodstone.[1]

The Bloodstone gem fragment was inherited by Ulysses' daughter Elsa,[2] and a smaller portion was later given to his son Cullen.[3]

A human mutate that would eventually be known as Maha Yogi also witnessed the Bloodgem's shattering and claimed one of the fragments for himself, called it the "Jewel of Jeopardy" and used it to attain immortality and enhance his magical talents. When the jewel was crushed by the Hulk, it caused Maha Yogi to age 10,000 years in an instant.[4]

When Elsa Bloodstone confronted the Bone Beast Queen, the monster cursed her gem which began killing her.[5] In order to save her, Deadpool tore the gem out of her and put it inside him.[6]


Bloodgem fragments bestow unto their wielder's superhuman strength, durability, speed, reflexes, psychic power & ESP (in the case of Ulysses), stamina as well as immortality and a regenerative healing factor.[1] All effects of which being proportionate to the strong sense of revenge lurking in the wielders heart.[7] The stone can also be used to completely restore and regenerate a person to the point of spontaneous resurrection on top of giving them immunity to psychological obstructions caused by illusions or mental manipulation.[8][9] As if to complement these protective abilities the jewel also makes users immune to vampiric infection, making their blood caustic to the undead.[10] It can also serve as a means of suppressing malignant possessing entities that would otherwise overtake an unwitting host.[11] Said relic can harness an odd form of crimson energy which the wielders can utilize in strange and unique means; the original handler Ulysses could focus his psionic powers gained from which through the buckshot in Bloodstone's musket,[12][13][14] Elsa can discharge energy blasts through her hand where the Bloodstone occupies, they also enhance magical abilities within certain individuals who possess one such stone; like Maha Yogi or Mordred to either focus or amplify their arcana many times over.[15][16][9]

Alternate Reality Versions

In Earth-17628, the Bloodgem has transformative powers instead of bestowing powers to its owner. It was used to restore Gwen Stacy’s spider powers before being destroyed.[19]


Daken once possessed a Bloodstone fragment that he tore out of Frankencastle, which enhanced his mutant healing factor, but with adverse effects, such as tumors which would grow wherever he was wounded, until his father, Wolverine, tore it out of him.[17]


Allegedly the Bloodstone was a piece of the Lifestone Tree.[18]

See Also

Links and References

