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Marvel Database

Quote1 The Vortex elevates you to a cosmic entity. But there is no accounting for what it does to your heart. Quote2


Godhead (Multiverse) and Black Vortex from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 001

The Celestial "Godhead" gifting the Black Vortex to the Viscardi

The Black Vortex was created by the Celestial Godhead, after a Viscardi named Gara expressed to the cosmic being the desire of their species to explore beyond their potential. Gara was the first of the Viscardi to submit to the Black Vortex's power. One year later, a war between the Viscardi left Gara as the sole survivor of her species.[1] Twelve billion years later, the Black Vortex was located on the planet Kymellia III. After discovering its location,[2] Mister Knife sent his crew, the Slaughter Squad, to Kymellia III to steal it from the Kymellians.[3]

Gh'Ree and R'Hos Blood (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 001

Brother Blood submitting to the Vortex

Mister Knife's son Star-Lord and his girlfriend Kitty Pryde stole the Black Vortex from Knife in order to ruin his plans, and ended up asking the X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy's help to see what to do with it. Mister Knife's Slaughter Lords tracked down Star-Lord and fought with the heroes for its possession.[1] Gamora and Beast used the Black Vortex to acquire cosmic powers, and Gamora later showed the X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy what they would look like with its powers.[4]

Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 Textless

The Guardians and the X-Men

After unleashing his cosmic potential, Angel allied himself with Gamora and Beast to bring peace to the universe by using the Black Vortex.[5] They took it to a primitive planet where they planned to use it to enhance its inhabitants, but they were attacked by Ronan who took the Black Vortex from them. The Kree took the Vortex to Hala. The planet was shortly after assaulted by the cosmically empowered heroes.[6] A fraction of the Guardians and the X-Men arrived to Hala to assist the Kree, and Star-Lord helped Ronan seize the Black Vortex from the Supreme Intelligence in order to acquire its powers against his master's will.[7] After Gamora, Beast and Angel were forced to retreat, the Guardians and the X-Men tried to convince the Supreme Intelligence to let them use the Vortex to no avail. The heroes proceeded to attack the Accuser Corps and Nova fled with the Vortex. However, during that conflict Mister Knife and the Slaughter Lords attacked Hala. Misa of the Slaughter Lords attempted to take the Vortex from Nova, but after Hala was destroyed by Knife's flying fortress, it was left floating in the void and remains of the planet.[8]

Samuel Alexander (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Nova Vol 5 28 002

Showing Nova why he should submit

Nova reacquired the Vortex, and as the Guardians and the X-Men had been forced to flee from Hala while it was exploding, decided to take it to Earth to seek for help with the Avengers. Nova hid the Vortex in his apartment, until the Collector appeared before his door, with intentions of purchasing the Vortex. Nova went on the run again, and decided to take the Vortex to Spartax, where the Guardians and the X-Men had first met. However, Nova accidentally arrived to Mister Knife's fortress, and the Vortex was seized from him by Knife's and his ally Thane, who proceeded to empower himself with it.[9] The Vortex was subsequently kept in Knife's fortress, after being used on Thane to encase the entirety of Spartax in an amber construct.[10]

Katherine Pryde (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Omega Vol 1 1 001

Kitty Pryde after submitting

When Cyclops, Iceman and Groot escaped imprisonment in Knife's fortress, they came across the Vortex, empowered themselves to escape and took it with them. Cyclops handed over the Vortex to Captain Marvel, who was going to deliver it to Kitty Pryde for a plan they had.[11] As she was en route to Spartax, Captain Marvel was intercepted by Gara, who had been for the past thousands of years in a mission to find and destroy the Vortex.[12] Captain Marvel was still able to deliver the Vortex to the heroes in Spartax, but Gara soon caught up with her. Gara interrupted the heroes when they were discussing how to proceed, and recovered the Vortex. The X-Man Magik convinced her to let one of them use the Vortex for a last time, and Kitty Pryde decided to be that person.[5]

Gara (Viscardi) (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Omega Vol 1 1 001

The Black Vortex inside a star, being guarded by Gara

After Kitty used her augmented phasing powers to save Spartax, Gara was given the Vortex. Before leaving with it to guard it, as it couldn't be destroyed, she allowed whoever wanted to use the Vortex to get rid of their cosmic powers. Finally, Gara rested at the center of a star, guarding the Black Vortex in her arms.[13]


Quote1 Is that really me? Never knew I could be so...magnificent. Yes. Yes, I will. I submit to the Black Vortex. Quote2
—Nux Vomico[src]
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Omega Vol 1 1 Textless

The Black Vortex is one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe,[2][7] which amplifies its user's powers to a cosmic level.[12] The Black Vortex acts like a mirror which shows individuals what would they look like with their cosmic potential unleashed. After saying "I submit to the Black Vortex," the individual will be given the power promised.[1]

The amount of power seems to vary from person to person. Storm would have been able to destroy stars and planets with ease,[1] Thane could encase entire planets in amber,[10] and Kitty Pryde apparently ascended to a multiversal being,[13] but others were notably not as impressive. Nevertheless, they can all survive in space; Beast, Gamora, and Angel were all faster than Captain Marvel's top speed,[5] and they were more powerful than the Accuser Corps and all of Hala's defenses.[7] Thanos is a "pushover" compared to an enhanced person.[9] Captain Marvel describes the promised power like going binary but more so.[14]

Cosmically-enhanced individuals also obtain some level of cosmic awareness.[5][6] For Beast, he gained total understanding of space and time.[8] Kitty Pryde managed to "transcend" the Multiverse and touched the minds of her infinite alternate reality counterparts.[13] For Gamora, she could "hear" a portion of the Phoenix Force calling out to her.[15]

The Black Vortex's power usually corrupts. The Supreme Intelligence would rather risk fighting a losing battle than use the Black Vortex, as its corruption would almost certainly result in the end of the Kree Empire.[7] Countless civilizations have fallen due to the Vortex.[16] The Vortex tempts anyone who looks, but those with strong wills can resist it,[4][9][14][16] and special goggles can obstruct its lure.[3] It is possible to obtain the power without being corrupted, as with Kitty Pryde.[13]

The Vortex is also capable of taking away its bestowed powers, although mental or physical side-effects might remain. For example, Iceman gained the ability to turn his entire body into organic ice, and Groot suffered a slight change of appearance.[13] The enhancements provided by the Black Vortex seemingly diminish both over time and with exertion.[17] (See Notes.)

Thane (Earth-616), Carol Danvers (Earth-616), J'son (Earth-616), and Black Vortex from Captain Marvel Vol 8 14 001

Deflecting an attack

The mirror itself can be used to deflect incoming attacks.[12] It is seemingly sentient and can show visions of the past, possible future, and even events that transpired in other realities.[9][16] Gara, who wants nothing more than to destroy the Vortex,[7][9] later states that the Vortex cannot be destroyed. It can endure the center of a star without suffering any damage, which is where it is currently being kept.[13]

Known Users[]

Beholders of the Black Vortex
Character(s) Image Status
Gara Gara (Viscardi) (Earth-616) from Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 3 001 Submitted[1]
(seemingly forever)
Adron Adron (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 Submitted[1]
(died with the power)[1]
Nux Vomico Nux Vomico (Earth-616) from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 5 004 Submitted[3]
(died with the power)[3]
Slaughter Lords Slaughter Lords (Earth-616) and J'son (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 001 Submitted[1]
(seemingly wore out)
Storm Ororo Munroe (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 001 Refused[1]
Gamora Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan (Earth-7528) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Alpha Vol 1 1 001 Submitted[1]
(wore out)[17]
Beast Henry McCoy (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 24 001 Submitted[4]
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 9 001 Submitted[5]
(seemingly wore out)
Ronan the Accuser Ronan (Earth-616) from Guardians Team-Up Vol 1 3 001 Submitted[7]
(seemingly wore out)
Nova Samuel Alexander (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Nova Vol 5 28 003 Refused[9]
Thane Thane (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Nova Vol 5 28 001 Submitted[9]
(depowered by the
Cosmic Coven
Scott Summers (Earth-616), Robert Drake (Earth-616), and Groot (Earth-616) from Cyclops Vol 3 12 001 Submitted[11]
Captain Marvel Carol Danvers (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Captain Marvel Vol 8 14 002 Refused[12]
Jean Grey
Jean Grey (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 11 001 Almost submitted
but was stopped[16]
Star-Lord Peter Quill (Earth-616) and Black Vortex from Legendary Star-Lord Vol 1 11 001 Refused[16]
Shadowcat Katherine Pryde (Earth-616) from Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men Black Vortex Omega Vol 1 1 002 Submitted[16]
(seemingly wore out)
Black Vortex from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 24 001 Never used the
Black Vortex

Alternate Reality Versions


Black Vortex from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (animated series) Season 3 14 001
Quote1 I don't know, Gamora. This thing looks like...super evil. Quote2

According to Thanos, the Black Vortex is an indestructible prison. The Guardians of the Galaxy entered it and experienced various alternate dimensions.[19]


Thanos sent both Gamora and Nebula on a mission to find the fabled Black Vortex, but they never found it.[20]


  • The Black Vortex's power was originally stated to be permanent,[21] which is supported by the fact that Gara still has her power after 12 billion years.[16] However, it was later retconned to diminish with time and exertion, presumably to write the power out of the story.[17]


See Also

Links and References

