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Marvel Database


The Black Forest (German: "Schwarzwald") is a region in the southwestern part of Germany. It belongs to the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. The dense forests mainly consist of firs and pines; the highest peak is the Feldberg (1,493 m / 4,898 ft). The most important cities are Freiburg and Baden-Baden.

In the west, the Black Forest borders the Vosges mountains in France. In the east, it is bordered by the Rhine Valley. Another important river is the Danube.

Points of Interest


  • According to Excalibur #-1, Winzeldorf and the famous circus where Nightcrawler and Jimaine Szardos grew up, are located deep in the Black Forest. In addition, in Nightcrawler (Vol. 3), Nightcrawler is hiking in the Black Forest in order to visit his old hometown Winzeldorf. Other comics indicate that Winzeldorf is located in the Bavarian Alps and that Kurt Wagner is a Bavarian. This is somewhat contradictory because the Black Forest isn't even remotely connected to Bavaria or the Alps region - it belongs to the federal state of Baden-Württemberg which is an entirely different geographic region of Germany.

See Also

Links and References

