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Marvel Database

Quote1 Just tell me there's coffee. Quote2

Appearing in "Gifted (Part 3)"

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Synopsis for "Gifted (Part 3)"

Kitty Pryde tries to tell Wing that he need not worry that someone is going to force him to take the cure because the government can not force it on their community. Wing stays skeptical, especially as reports show that hundreds of mutants are lining up outside BeneTech Laboratories for the cure.

While Beast works on the serum sample, Ord confronts Dr. Kavita Rao for giving it to the X-Men, but Dr. Rao reasons they would have gotten it any way. Agent Nick Fury looks at the weapons left behind from Ord's mercenaries and tells Cyclops they are S.H.I.E.L.D. design. Cyclops asks Nick Fury for help and the two only get into an argument. Wolverine believes Beast took the cure for his own use and the two fight until Emma uses her telepathy to stop them. Beast discovers that it is Jean's body that tests are being run on.


  • The Gifted story arc was adapted in a motion comic mini-series comprised of 6 episodes called Astonishing X-Men: Gifted. The mini-series was created by Marvel Knights Animation and released on iTunes in October 27, 2009, and by Shout! Factory on DVD in September 28, 2010.

See Also

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