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Marvel Database

Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-295) from Astonishing X-Men Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 I suppose he hasn't the stomach to witness what happens next. Quote2
Lucas Bishop (Earth-295) from Amazing X-Men Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 And that is? Quote2
Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-295) from Astonishing X-Men Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 What I've always done to any obstacles Apocalypse has placed in my path -- obliterate them! Quote2

Appearing in "Parents of the Atom"

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  • X-Men ship

Synopsis for "Parents of the Atom"

Magneto thinks to himself at Charles Xavier's graveside. Bishop finds him here and holds a gun at him. Magneto asks him what is going on and Bishop shoots the Infinite warrior that is behind him. The Vanisher is leading them and Magneto fights him off. Apocalypse himself shows up and Bishop attacks him. He appears to knock him out and then does the same to Magneto. He then goes after his child, Charles. Nanny, Magneto's robot has taken him into the sewers and an Infinite attacks her. She raises her weapons at him to attack.

Later, the X-Men arrive at the X-Mansion and find Magneto's helmet and an Infinite that has the marks of being killed by Nanny. Quicksilver determines that Charles is in danger and he goes after him by heading first to meet with Angel and find out if he was the one who betrayed them. He meets Angel in the loft of his club in Manhattan. Angel instead tries to help him and says that his father is in Apocalypse's citadel, while Bishop is in Quebec and Quicksilver must decide which one is more important to go to save first.

In Quebec, we see that Bishop is being held by the Madri. They are holding a ritual that is calling forth the Shadow King. He begins to take over Bishop and sift through his memories. Bishop resists and suddenly out of his eyes and mouth comes Abyss. Abyss seems to put a few of the Madri into his void and then he turns on Bishop and realizes that Bishop holds the key to stopping Apocalypse and he isn't going to let that happen.

At the X-Mansion, Quicksilver arrives and he loads up the ship to go after Bishop since he decided that Bishop was a part of Magneto's plan to stop Apocalypse once and for all.

See Also

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