Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I honor your sacrifice, Flora colossi. This isn't a death, but a rebirth. From your remains, new life will grow. As it always has. New life that brings a balance to the cosmos. Quote2
The Gardener

Appearing in "Shattered"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Unnamed Guardians of the Galaxy spaceship
  • Galactus Mech (First appearance chronologically)

Synopsis for "Shattered"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Since the beginning of the series, the mystery has lingered… what happened to Groot that made him revert to being a tiny shrub?

• Why isn’t he growing back? And why does Rocket think it’s all his fault? Guest artist Mike Hawthorne joins his frequent Deadpool collaborator Gerry Duggan to tell the tale of the all-too-tragic hedge trimming!


  • Mike Hawthorne's Rock-N-Roll variant originally featured Groot hanging from Rocket's belt. According to himself, he decided to remove it later on because it muddied the composition of the cover.[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. Hawthorne, Mike (19 July 2017) Process Junkies!: Some making-of pics for that... Tumblr. Retrieved on 19 July 2017.