Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Aegis, Lady of All Sorrows and Tenebrous of the Darkness Between were among the Proemial Gods that were corrupted by their cosmic peer, Diableri of Chaos, into remaking the universe when it was young. At the end of a civil war among them, Galactus imprisoned both of them in the prison facility named the Kyln.[1][2]

When the events of the Annihilation Wave found the Kyln compromised, the two Proemial Gods escaped and encountered Thanos, who led them to their ancient enemy. Aegis and Tenebrous defeated Galactus along with the Silver Surfer and Thanos delivered them to Annihilus for experimentation. After the events of the Annihilation Wave, Aegis and Tenebrous returned to the Kyln, discovering the corpse of their fellow God, Antiphon the Overseer. Galactus, having escaped from containment, sought to bring a final close to the ambitions of Aegis and Tenebrous. Galactus sent the Silver Surfer ahead to detain them until he could arrive. The Silver Surfer engaged both Aegis and Tenebrous in battle, and managed to channel the energies of the nearby Crunch, the barrier that separates the universe from the Negative Zone, incapacitating the duo.[3]

When entities from the Cancerverse attempted to encroach upon Earth-616, Aegis and Tenebrous joined Galactus and the Celestials to fight back these forces at the Fault.[4] During the assault, Aegis was overwhelmed, dying in the blink of an eye, but in her final act she attempted to transmit what knowledge she could to Nova.[5]



  • Power Cosmic: Aegis was believed to possess the Power Cosmic and to be on the same level of power as Galactus. Aegis was stated to be a "Global/Universal" threat by the Nova Corps.[6]
    • Energy Absorption: It was also revealed that she drew her powers from the Crunch, enabling her to gather, channel, and manipulate large quantities of cosmic energy.[2]
    • Superhuman Strength: Aegis was tremendously strong and could crack the Silver Surfer's exterior by crushing him to the ground with the palm of her hand.[7]
    • Invulnerability: Aegis was completely undamaged by the Silver Surfer's energy blasts.[7][2]
    • Energy Projection: Aegis could project powerful energy blasts capable of hurting both the Silver Surfer and Galactus.[7]


  • Aegis' name (in words) means a protective shield, or the concept of doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.

See Also

Links and References

