Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I should have guessed that a boy who takes such girlish effort with his long locks would hit like one. Tell me, have you ever wished a woman to put you on all fours and grab hold of that mane? It's all right. I can keep a secret. Even a god of thunder could use a little whipping now and then. I have such pretty things to dress you in-- Quote2
Emma Frost/Phoenix

Appearing in "Daredevil vs. Psylocke"

Featured Characters:



Synopsis for "Daredevil vs. Psylocke"

In New York City, Daredevil and Psylocke get in another fight. This fight results in a draw as Daredevil makes Psylocke question her motives.

Appearing in "The Mighty Thor vs. Emma Frost"

Featured Characters:



Synopsis for "The Mighty Thor vs. Emma Frost"

In Ukraine, Thor manages to shatter Emma Frost's diamond form, with the shards being launched into space. As the shards begin to fall back to Earth, they rip through Thor's body and reassemble on the ground. Thor, severely injured from the shrapnel, is eventually defeated by Frost's Phoenix powers.

Solicit Synopsis

THE PREMIERE AVENGERS VS. X-MEN TIE-IN! Two incredible fights every issue, torn from the pages of AvX.

Daredevil vs. Psylocke! By Rick Remender (UNCANNY X-FORCE) and Brandon Peterson (NEW AVENGERS, UNCANNY X-MEN)

Thor vs. [CLASSIFIED] by Kaare Andrews (ULTIMATE COMICS covers, SPIDER-MAN: REIGN)!


See Also

Links and References

