Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 There's a whole new master of magnetism in town. Quote2
Iron Man

Appearing in "The Invincible Iron Man vs. Magneto"

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Synopsis for "The Invincible Iron Man vs. Magneto"

During the battle on Utopia, Iron Man gains the upper hand in a destructive fight with Magneto by siphoning magnetic energy all the way from Jupiter. Magneto attempts to counter this move by pulling in other interstellar objects and as a result senses the destructive force of the coming Phoenix. After Magneto tells this to him, Iron Man then stops the fight in favor of helping others in their search for Hope. As he is leaving the scene, Magneto tells him to find his daughter, Scarlet Witch.

Appearing in "The Thing vs. Namor the Sub-Mariner"

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Synopsis for "The Thing vs. Namor the Sub-Mariner"

As the aforementioned battle rages, Thing fights Namor in the sea beneath Utopia, and pins him beneath the teeth of a giant anglerfish.

Solicit Synopsis

• The Premier Tie-In To Avengers Vs. X-Men!

• All-Out Action Featuring Cover To Cover Battles, Each Issue Expanding On Fights From The Main Avx Book In Ways You Can’t Imagine!

• This Issue: Iron Man Vs. Magneto And Thing Vs. Namor!


See Also

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