
Get Involved!

The Magpie Discord is a thriving community focused on our favorite thing: games! Join over two hundred amazing community members to discuss games like Masks, Urban Shadows, Bluebeard’s Bride, and Root! This welcoming community space focuses on design, GMing tools and tips, and how to have the best experiences with some of your favorite games.

We have unique channels for each of our games, including the ashcans, so you can connect with other players and GMs, talk about what you bring to the game, and find out how others get the most out of their games. It’s an opportunity to connect with the GMs you played with at conventions like Gen Con or Pax Unplugged, and hear what games they’re running next! Play games with other Magpie fans, connect, and share a welcoming space with some of the best players and GMs out there.

The Discord is one of the best places to get news, talk to the community, get recruited for GMing at conventions, engage with the Curated Play GMs, and hang out with people who genuinely love gaming. There are spaces just for the various streams and podcasts featuring Magpie games, as well as a space to discuss safety tools and tricks.

You can join the Discord today! Just read our code of conduct, hit accept, and dive in! We can’t wait to hang out with you!

Not on Discord? Follow us on social media!
Code of Conduct Be Kind Be Charitable Be Specific Be Inclusive Be Good Be Accountable

Community Standards

As Magpie Games has grown, we’ve come to manage a number of spaces: live convention spaces, our Discord server, and a multitude of Kickstarters. To ensure a great experience with us, we’ve created some guidelines on best behaviors. While the guidelines below are not exhaustive for being a good member of our community, this is the stuff we think is worth calling out and making explicit. We reserve the right to change or modify these rules as we go forward, and we hope you all have suggestions for additions and modifications as our community spaces grow: 

Be Kind—At some level, we're all here for each other. If we're lucky, we get to have great discussions, challenge our own ideas, and communicate across great distances through tiny screens. But none of that can happen if we're cruel, unfair, or mean to each other. Before you post, ask yourself if you're adding anything of value to the discussion with your words. If not, take a step back and come back when you're ready to be good to everyone else who is here. 

Be Charitable—Assume that everyone here is trying their best. Ask for clarification before you declare something to be racist or sexist or terrible, and quietly report posts that violate these rules and DM us instead of giving the original poster more of your energy. 

Be Specific—Clearly state what kind of information or feedback you’re looking to get from us or the community, and provide enough context so everyone in the conversation understands what you need or want to discuss. When engaging with big topics, ensure you share your experiences rather than speak in generalizations or for an entire group of people.

Be Inclusive—We want to create the most welcoming community we can, both for this space and for our games, so think carefully about how what you're saying might read to someone who isn't you. Derogatory or hurtful comments, jokes, and discourse drive off people who would otherwise be a great part of our community. Let’s make our spaces welcome to everyone!

Be Good—Post your best stuff here. Reach beyond easy answers or simple questions and offer this community your best. We’re always excited to get feedback, but we ask that you take the time to make sure you’re offering us your most thoughtful critique. We are really excited to have you here, and hope you're excited to be here too!

Be Accountable—It’s important that we all take time to reflect and grow. If you witness or are part of a community conflict, take the time to reflect on what you contributed, listen to what needs to happen to move forward, and engage in healthy changes.

In the event someone engages in unacceptable behavior, please report their actions directly and move on. Our team will deal with the issue. 

To talk to us about an issue, use this guide:

At a con… Talk to the event host!

On Discord… DM a moderator!

On Kickstarter… Send us a direct message!

For everything else, email us at 

If you break the rules, we’ll talk—mostly we hope to steer you toward a better path that keeps you in this community. If your behavior is especially flagrant or hurtful, then we may not allow you to continue participating in our spaces, events, or projects.

Streaming & Media Resources

We are thrilled to see so many content creators making podcasts, articles, and videos about games! The team here at Magpie Games wants to support these creators as best we can.

Streaming FAQ

Can I feature your game for an actual play?

Can I use your cover art for my streaming and promotion?

What other resources are available to streamers and reviewers?

Will you share my episode on your social media?

Want to feature our games on your stream? For anyone looking to feature one of our products, here are some commonly asked questions we’ve received from content creators:

Interview Our Staff

Request an Interview

Download Art Assets

If you’re interested in using art from our games in your stream or article, please download one of the provided art packs listed below. They include mock ups, covers, logos, and a bit of additional art for each game.

2024 Conventions

Gen Con 2024: August 1-4th

Humble RPG Bundle: Best of Magpie Gam...
The Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Starter Set is included in Humble Bundle’s Best of Magpie Games Book Bundle. If you wish to purchase this Starter Set, alongside an amazing collection of Magpie Games digital titles at an incredible discount that also benefits charity, the Book Bundle will be available from March 23rd at 11:00AM Pacific to April 13th at 11:00AM Pacific.
Flash Sale: Avatar Legends Starter Se...
Get the Avatar Legends Starter Set at 40% Off! Today Only! Hello Team Avatar!Are you ready to master the Four Elements and bring the Avatarverse to your table? Now is your chance—the Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Starter Set is...
Join the Corvid Collective!
Become a fellow corvid and join the flock, an amazing group of community GMs running Magpie Games games at conventions, community events, and FLGS! Connect with your fellow games enthusiasts, get access to support, and amazing rewards for doing what you love:...
Uncle Iroh's Adventure Guide Coming S...
Magpie Games will release Uncle Iroh’s Adventure Guide in September 2024 – a collection of adventures and custom mechanics focused on Jasmine Island, the legendary home of a special type of jasmine tea beloved by Uncle Iroh from Nickelodeon’s Avatar:...
5 TTRPG Gamer Goals for 2024!
Happy New Year, gamers! We’re excited to be back in the office at Magpie Games HQ and have been plotting our 2024 goals! While ours are focused on making games, we have been pondering what we want to do as...
Bringing Scenes to Life: The Drill
(On Netflix, the scene starts at around 29:50 in “The Secret of the Fire Nation,” the combined two-parter that includes the aired episodes “The Serpent’s Pass” and “The Drill.” The scene in question occurs in S2 E13 of the aired...