Site Made By Industry

We provide top quality voice talent, directors and audio mixing for Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese dubbing.
Our in-territory services guarantee super competitive pricing.
With international production experience in Latin America, the US, Europe and Africa, we can connect your production to resources, talent and even funding where you want to shoot. We specialize in connecting US brands and content providers and with audiences, services and talent around the world. And vice versa.
Post Production
From editing, visual effects, and animation to original music and sound design, with a talented group of collaborators we offer state of the art post-production services for your film, commercial or other media.
Subtitling and Captioning
We work with top technology and personnel to subtitle or caption your material for reversioning or closed-captioning (Spanish, English, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese).
English < > Spanish.
We specialize in media translations - fast and accurate translation for your show, film, video, pitches, scripts, screenplays, commercial treatments, and more.
Audio Description
Clear, engaging description of what is happening visually on-screen for the benefit of an audience with sight-loss, impaired-sight or blindness.
International Production
We connect you to the talent of international directors, writers and designers, and help you navigate the cross-cultural and bilingual logistics and details of your production.

Mobile Applications
With animators, programmers and developers throughout LatAm and around the globe we produce mobile applications that enhance your brand and connect to your audience.

Client List

El Chapo S03 Trailer
Avon Duet
Avon Discovery
Butterfinger Bull Rider
Avon Mother's Day
DIRECTV Soccer Spectacular
The Raven
Killer Joe