Riley MacLeod's discussions

Riley MacLeod

See, this is what happens to me: I hear a weird song, or even a song I don’t like, and then I think “Hm, could I play that?..” and before you know it I have, in my repertoire, self-serious emo covers of “Teenage Dream” and “Wrecking Ball” that I try really hard not to laugh through. Read more

Just watching a YouTube video is really good advice, and something I used to do a lot way back when there were games I was curious about but knew I would never play. I always struggle to know when to, like, bite the bullet and accept I’ll never play something and just go to YouTube though! Read more

update: forgot about the existence of the Switch Pro controller! Read more

My editor thought of the very good joke “despawn the police” once it was too late for me to add it, so please enjoy it as a reward for looking at the comments. Read more

All of you are disagreeing in the comments about this, and I love you for it. Read more

There’s a theory about this too, based on a brief glimpse in the event of what looks like a live action still! Read more

I think about this a lot with my very first breakup, when I dated someone for like a day in 6th grade and how when we ‘broke up,’ it was astonishing how sad I was because that had never happened before. And every subsequent breakup hurts in different and, like, far more serious ways, but there’s always that little… Read more

I remembered this immediately after hitting “publish” lol Read more

I *almost* threw a James Randi reference in here and then couldn’t find the right way to do it haha. Read more

Yeah, I really miss all the wacky, fun fan stuff. I’m glad I’m not the only one! Read more

Arg. I saw some of that stuff and have been hoping it’s just one skin, but I guess we’ll see. (I will admit, at the risk of being wrecked in the comments, that I have only seen the original Star Wars movies way back in 7th grade, in hopes of making the other band kids think I was cool. They were not impressed.) Read more

I’m not sure! Venturebeat suggests the sound was credited in the game to someone who had worked as Tallarico’s sound editor. He doesn’t seem to think they did it intentionally, but it’s still pretty wild! Read more

I have played over 100 hours of Spelunky 1 and never beat it. This made it weird to get excited about a sequel--what do I need a sequel for when I have so much Spelunky?--but now I just have EVEN MORE Spelunky, which is a nice outcome for me. Read more

I have accepted that I’m just going to own it on both lol Read more

Sometimes I start watching climbing competition videos and then I immediately have to turn them off as despair overcomes me. One day! Read more