Jen Glennon's saved articles

Jen Glennon

You know what? Even if it were pushing a woke agenda, I'd be fine with that. We have had enough machism, jingoism, chauvinism and racism in our games.
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I find it odd how this surprises people. Read more

Man, my PS5 still feels like a newish addition to my console collection. I have no desire for an upgrade. It doesn't even feel like games are pushing it to its limits yet. Read more

I love how the State of Play presentation shows a tone the original actually had.  It wasn't angsty or brooding, a characterization that was never accurate but somehow became Cloud's reputation.  Yes it has serious moments, but I really like how much they are looking to capture the actual charm of the original.  This… Read more

But he acknowledges how competitive and tough the games industry can be. “The difficulty of the work, the low pay, drives even young developers away,” he points out while suggesting that, in his experience, the average “lifespan” of a programmer is about five to seven years due to the intense nature of their work. Read more

I’m a computer engineer who began with aspirations of being a game dev, graduated, and then said “ah, nevermind” and went a different path on what sorts of software I went into. And here is exactly why: Read more

At the Stockholm Airport, there’s a charity-run Space Invaders machine that accepts any currency, paper or coin, to play a game. It’s the equivalent of those “donate your foreign currency” stations at airports, but with video games! It’s awesome. Read more

Been hearing about this show for years but didn’t actually know what it was about, so I just looked it up. Read more

His segments are easily the best part of the new season. Dude shares a one bedroom apartment with his mother AND a collection of extremely smelly pets then wonders why he isn’t getting laid. Read more

Which means he pronounces the NES and SNES as Nezz and Snezz, respectively, instead of calling them the Nintendo and Super Nintendo as God intended. Read more

My theory is that Nintendo is gonna announce the Switch either around the end of fiscal year 2023, or beginning of fiscal year 2024. Which is in March 2024.
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absolutely cannot wait. like a dragon was one of my favorite games of all time and the game i spent the most time playing on ps4 (i’m usually a 60-70 hours in a game guy, i spent 90+ in this) Read more

Man, Microsoft sure purchased a lot of headaches here. Read more

I will never understand the people who defend those folks. Like no human should have that amount of money. I don’t care what you are responsible for, you didn’t earn all that money alone so you shouldn’t have it all. Read more

Tell me you haven’t played Night Trap without telling me you haven’t played Night Trap. Read more

One of the reasons I don’t play anything online. Haha.
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Cannot wait for this game. Didn’t get on with the Judgement games and 6 was OK, so looking forward to more Ichiban mayhem. I should have just about finished Baldurs Gate by the time this comes out. Read more

People seem to be skipping over that it lets 1 person play a game while others use the TV. Read more

god you IT people are so awful to be around Read more

“but FFXVI is all but impossible to read at times. If you think this text was small on a 50” TV, it’s inscrutable on an 8-inch screen.” Read more