Ari Notis's discussions

Ari Notis
Staff Writer, Kotaku

I just want to take a second and reiterate that, yes, My Chemical Rom- [account deactivated] Read more

I’ve seen this sentiment on few posts (most statements with far more acidity than yours) and don’t think I can let it go by unaddressed any longer: I assure you the site is not ignoring Mike’s devastating passing. Grief doesn’t operate on a timeline. Mike was crucial figure in many of our lives—in my mind, the most… Read more

You’re right, but worth noting that most player feedback there is because a ton of classic weapons — DMR, SMG, railgun, shotgun, spartan laser :( , plasma rifle, the entire Promethean arsenal — aren’t in Infinite Read more

Good question! After the update’s applied, when you start a new run, you’re presented with a little checklist so you can choose piecemeal which new stuff you want to add. I’d say start with the new pilots, then save the new enemies and missions for when you finish your first few games and start unlocking the more… Read more

If you’re the type who likes owning games, yeahhhhh, it may be a while... But if you’re cool with just a one-and-done playthrough, it’s included in the middle-priced tier of PS Plus: You could just sign up, beat it in a month, and then cancel the sub! Read more

I’m usually not a fan of gyro but I’ll definitely try it out tonight! Read more

Lol I’ve never played this game (nor covered it) Read more

My requisite reminder that slideshows are 7.015% more palatable when you make your browser window as narrow as a phone screen. The post should show up as an article like that! Read more

Lmao or all the times where a bunch of marines pile into your warthog and then you immediately take a wrong turn off a cliff. Whoops! Read more

Revenge of the Cartels in particular! I also saw some players comparing this DLC to the Headhunter packs, which were, what, $3? Read more

Oh MAN that’s so cool!!! I was wondering what exactly those runes were for, thx for the tip Read more

The Steam numbers are no doubt troubling but idk that they paint the full picture! Most of Halo’s player base is on console, always has been. Microsoft doesn’t publicly release numbers, so we can only go by the charts. And even though Infinite slipped out of the top five most-played games on Xbox, it’s still held fast… Read more

Oh, yeah, I just started a Spellshot! Still too early to see its full potential (like level 7 or 8) but I get the sense that it’ll become extremely OP mid-game. Hopefully Gearbox doesn’t nerf the class before then... Read more

Wow haha I totally forgot about this game — and I’ve even written about it! Great game. I still listen to the soundtrack some days. Read more

Most guidelines regarding journalistic ethics caution against quid pro quo but I’m sure if you left some form of praise on a certain writer’s blogs you might find yourself ungrayed... Read more

Remember, if you don’t like the slideshow format, you can narrow your browser window! That should display contiguous entries in article format. Read more

How’s the A/C on the other side of the office Read more

Oh, yes, this is a good one! If you’re playing with 60fps mode on the PS5, it’s not so bad, but you should probs turn it off on PS5 too if you’re going with the 30fps resolution mode. Read more