Alyssa Mercante's saved articles

Alyssa Mercante
Senior editor at Kotaku. FPS freak. Cat rescuer. Spritz drinker. Fashion wearer. Definitely more than 33% Italian. Tips:

Jesus christ these people are still hung up on Sarkeesian? Is it still 2015 for them or something?
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No they aren't tired because there is a lot of money to make by being so reactionary.  Read more

My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it: Read more

I just can’t believe we’re still in this ‘gamer-gate’ era of bullshit because of these sad pathetic boys with their chauvanistic, racist ideals that ANGERY because they aren’t 100% being catered to. And their usage of the term ‘woke’ is just as pathetic.’s ironic that they’ve co-opted a black term in the… Read more

I know, right? I like an attractive character as much as the next dude, but JFC that shit is embarrassing. Read more

Aren’t these reactionary nerds tired of this? Isn’t this life exhausting? This can’t be fun, can it? Just a constant state of anxiety and paranoia in a hobby that’s supposed to be relaxing. This just seems like such an awful, shitty way to live. I mean....yes, if you’re a streamer/content creator, the anti-woke… Read more

being a conservative/reactionary gamer sounds miserable, not allowed to enjoy anything, wouldn’t want to be woke. Read more

I get super gamer gate vibes from this entire community and the level of moronic conspiracy is just bogglingly stupid. In a few comments against a YongYea video I saw people claiming that Sweet Baby developed over 90% of Suicide Squad. It’s so incredibly stupid that it make my head physically hurt Read more

Hold on wait... Are you saying when more “diverse” people are involved in the creative process... they end up with more diverse results? B-but wait... Video games are products with target audiences, right? Are you trying to tell me that other people than me, have money and therefore are also part of that target? Read more

One image showed several pictures of the protagonist Eve from Korean developer ShiftUp’s upcoming action game Stellar Blade, juxtaposed against female characters from Overwatch, Forspoken, and Life is Strange. “Embrace tradition. Reject modernity” is emblazoned on the collage. Read more

More proof that that the Police themselves really just want to play “army man” with cool guns instead of actually be a force to help people and communities. Read more

I’d say there is distinction to be made between someone taking an action and others responses to that action. Read more

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy. Read more

I hope that Twisters will spawn a slough of sequels of random disaster movies from the 90s. Can’t wait for Armageddons, Back Drafts and of course the long needed Dantes’s Peaks

Really solid first two episodes, seems the course-correct was for the better, definitely looking forward to new episodes.  Read more

As someone who has recently had three “rank adjustments” as tank in Overwatch 2 with something like a 15-11 record and not seen a movement in my rank at all...I can’t help but be jealous. If I had played terribly but just eked out wins, I’d get it, but that’s not been the case. Just knowing WHY would help so much. Read more