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Max Oakland

A member registered Mar 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ha! Clever. I did this in my game too

This is pretty awesome. I like the nature and growing angle. Good graphics too

This game has so much potential. The graphics are AWESOME

These look SO good

It's pretty broken on Mac. I'm looking for a new pixel art app to purchase to replace Photoshop but I can't use this

• Crashed when I tried to resize the window

• Menu bar is in the app window instead of the top of the screen like all other mac apps

• Window doesn't have a shadow (not a dealbreaker but just weird)

Since it crashed the first time I clicked, I couldn't see anything else good or bad about it

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Haha XD

These look great

This game is fun! Super addictive

cool! I think that’ll be a good improvement to the game. This could be a good one to polish up!

Thank you!

This one is great! It really stands out and has a fun charming quality to it

Can you make a web or mac version?

Fun concept but I really struggled with the controls. Sometimes it just didn't seem to respond when I try to fly and I died a bunch without even winning the first level because of it

I love your characters. So much personality!

you did a great job on TOM DX

tHe farm

once Debug mode is on (see step one)

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Thanks Michael! It’s inspired by Mac OS 7 and Windows 3.1

Thank you! If I'm not mistaken, signing with a developer account is important for Mac otherwise most people won't be able to open it

Oh OK! I'll do that

I'd like that a lot

Will you make a version for distributing on Mac? I would use this for Wink if it was cross platform

I *really* like this one. The world is so strange and inviting. I need more in this series!

This is amazingly accurate

Yeah! Jr. Pac-man is underrated. It's an awesome game

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This is an intriguing idea. I love how they look and I love that they were handpainted

The cool thing about this is you can make visual art of any kind and it has a unique and appealing look

The graphics are masterful. I love the DMA? on the title screen. It makes it look extra colorful

The physics of the grappling hook is very good. Hard!

Thanks for the detail! I'll work on it


Oh OK! Good to know

These are very nice. So simple and clean

Can you tell me where that happened? I haven't seen it yet :)

Will you make it playable in browser?

This game is awesome. I love the graphics and the concept of a game taking place entirely in the trash

I got stuck on the paper scene. Couldn't figure out how to "turn myself around"

very cool project. Can’t wait to be able to use it once you release the Mac version

This looks awesome. The colors are amazing

Thanks for playing and making the video!

This is so helpful

Are you still planning to include an OS X .app? I'd like to try this but I'm not very clear how to build my own .app

great article. I wish I could remember the name but it seems there was a game that used this concept to create the illusion of tiles that were less than 8 pixels high to squish more information on the screen at once