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i deliberately waited to play this until the anthology was complete, which im staring to regret,

YOU should play it immediately. rn. dont hesitate. act fast, history is creeping up behind you


congrats on your nuovo award and massive respect for your acceptance speech!  longtime fan of your work, felt like you've finally got the recognition you're due.


sincere plaudits on your crushing victory, and your stirring acceptance speech, do hope the fiverr serfs don't spend all those riches at once 

also free palestine


I see you good stuff homie


HOLY SHIT! My deepest congratulations on the nuovo award at gdc 24!!! it couldn’t have gone to a more passionate creative project!! 


congrats on winning nuovo award!!!


so so so so amazing. the medium is so simple yet it is so full of depth.  it feels like every possible joke is extracted out of every situation and they're all absolutely hysterical. felt very zine-like also in its irreverence and DIY-iness. i was left wanting so much more but so happy with what we have


amazing to see the anthology complete. another thecatamites winner. love to see them and cant wait to see what's next


I genuinely believe this series of games is an instant literary classic. You could teach this shit in class. It's such a playful dissection of horror, with incredible visuals and fantastic writing- if you are looking in the comments to see what people think of this anthology, if you like horror AT ALL, PLAY THIS GAME!


Sad to see the series end, but what a delightful ride it was.


I'm having trouble trying to download the games. The app can't recognize it.


Beautiful games. Desperately hoping the full collection includes some notes like Magic Wand and 10BP did!


Gratz, been following the adventures of beebz since the beginning. What a long, strange journey. I'd like to install this on the desktop app but cannot do it. I understand from other devs I've pointed this issue out to that it's apparently an easily missed but also easily corrected back end issue. 


right now none of the games are actually hosted on itch! for perversity reasons. the full bundle next month will be though so should hopefully work with the loader.


Yeah I tried to get ahold of you (the creator I assume? Garment district?) years back to ask why you stuck with Gamejolt for so long. I suspect nuclear grade autism is afoot here


I posted most of my early games to Gamejolt before existed; it has or had more emphasis on freeware games and a slightly different audience to the more professionalised indie sites, and I wanted to try getting them in front of different people than usual.


can't play this yet today but just wanted to applaud you on finishing the final installment to this series (and hopefully boost your place on trending games)! 


Face of the Killer does not work for me - The game gets permanently stuck when I pick up the Bachelors of Phrenology. Please help I touched a skull measuring degree with glue on it and I can't put it down. :(


weird, i haven't seen that before! are you using a controller? it might be set up to just detect the right arrow key if you're playing with WASD or custom controls


I'm on a keyboard but it's an old, possibly haunted keyboard. WASD doesn't do nothin' but the right arrow key gets me there, I must have mashed every other button in desperation. :P Thanks for hopping in so fast and also for making these games I like them a lot.


Damn what a ride, this series is one of the most cinematic horror game experience I ever played. I rarely write game reviews, but this needs every positive review it can get.

The quirky writing and art style, mixed with horror and humor is top notch, better than most "professional" games. The large scope of the game is also really something.

Not only that, but this whole anthology can be played for FREE, what the hell? Honestly, I can see it doing well on Steam with a cult following. (Well, technically, you already have a cult following, but that's besides the point)

Between Trial of the murder dog, Space Funeral and this series, you came really far in your Game Dev journey. Very inspiring.

Sucks that the series has ended, but I guess you gonna switch things up to keep that creative juice flowing. (I'm gonna miss BB D: )

I look forward to seeing what you have in store in the future.

it would be cool on steam

the problem: its $100 dollars to post stuff on steam


Man, its nuts how much the quality and complexity of the setpieces grow as the series advances, the original first entry is already a major treat and it just keeps going up from there. 

The writing is something absolutely special too, this mix of horror and comedy is a rare thing, especially one this good.


So excited! I love the Of The Killer series, and while it's sad it's ending, I get to comfort myself with the pleasant delusion it might at any moment return! I hope this goes on steam, it could legit make noise there.


Why not comming steam?

This seem like sophisticated game.

ok so let me explain how steam works

to publish a game, you need to give them $100


To be fair, it's not impossible for this project considering its moderate success here.




Seems like you can't install these with the itchio client.


They're hosted individually at the gamejolt links for now, but when the collected version is out you should be able to get it from the client.


very glad these are all on here now! these are some of my biggest inspirations for making games myself


Real hot stuff this!

omgomgomg i love these games smm

(1 edit) (+2)

I had no idea this was you! Now and again I'd ask myself, where did thecatamites go? So glad to see you are still active! I am a big fan ever since Space Funeral, Goblet Grotto, Magic Wand, Mouse Corp...

I may have an idea for your next game of this series... If that's okay with you...
"Scent of the Killer" or "Smell of the Killer" or "Nose of the Killer"


made a personality database page for of the killer!! if you know about typology please go there and vote :3


Made an account just to comment on this, the fact that I adore this series and feel it deep in my soul, the trials and tribulations of punk and horror and ART as a chaotic, freeing, frustrating, fully human force, and the games also makes me laugh a lot 




INTERNET DWELLERZ TAKE NOTE... I was here before this blew up

Deleted 65 days ago

she’s still adorable and I want to cuddle her. 

i love how divided the community is on this ahahaha

Gouda shit. Cannot wait for the 9th one!


I can't wait for the 9th game in the series! BB's adventures are charming, quirky, and uniquely bizarre.

Here's my playthrough of the first game, if anyone's interested:

They're all quite enjoyable, even though a lot of references can fly over my head because of how uncultured I am, oh well!

I've also done videos on the rest of the series (so far), the entire playlist can found here:


somehow, i never found these! there's a whole world of wonders all around us




Lovely work. enjoyed these games very much.


Great stuff!

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