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Hi! Thank you for your feedback and pointing out the bugs found.


- I will swap this when I make my first patch run. Thank you for pointing this out!

- That lock is currently bugged, but it goes away after transitioning between rooms again. I will fix that so it doesn't just pop up again and confuse the player.

- Thank you for pointing out which room. Seems to be a room with an incorrect Y mapping, so that's an easy value adjustment.

- This happens because it doesn't delete the boss's UI after restarting, which messes stuff up. This will be easily fixed. I am surprised to hear about the insane damage values from enemies and whatnot so I will have to look into why that is happening.


- I will see if that can be added, but I need to check if that is a thing in the games that I take inspiration from (I'm pretty sure it is though).

- I can delay the wall jump detection so it will read your other side after a few frames as you stated. I will look into this.

- Didn't even realize attacks weren't coming out while in wall climb. This will be addressed.

- I will be combining the two bars together in a later build. This will put a decision on the player whether they want to use MP for movement or for safe projectiles.

- She's a light spirit, so she's not fully corporeal, but I will try to slow the animation down.

I hope you enjoyed playing the Halloween build! Again, many thanks for your feedback.

Also, one thing I forgot to add - for now, the moveset feels a bit messy and disjointed. There is alot of stuff but some of it seems too gimmicky and does not feel like it has a place and usage. For now mostly talking about the weird slide-down-the-stairs move when you press down. it is fun but I could not find any relevant usage to it and in fact, it became an annoyance because i often dive-kick or sometimes want to duck while on  stairs and instead I get catapulted in whatever direction, which breaks my movement flow. This is just my personal approach to platformring design/philosophy but after a hour of gameplay player should be able to move in your gameworld with the same ease as he breathes, without putting actual hard thought (the latter should be occupied by the rest gameplay). 

The slide isnt bad on its own but not the way it is currently implemented. You definitely should it keep for the case when you roll down the stairs but I think direct execution should be removed. Alternatively, you can add more abstractions - only let the character do it if he presses jump while crouching on the stairs.

Some other things also bug me. There is an interesting synergy with roll and jump - if timed correctly you can do longer jump but... you dont really need with with air dash. Is air dash something that is being (supposed to) acquired  later in the game? It really makes some platforming challenges obsolete. If you want to keep it i suggest checking  how Environment Station Alpha handed its booster pack progression.

A lot of the mechanics here aren't fully laid out progression wise. This build was to demonstrate metroidvania progression and map tracking as well as a few other things. I do need to think about how I want to have the player slide down and not get in the way, as you said. Currently it's just a Kirby implementation. Maybe I could do it with a double tap? Idk how players feel about that.

Rolling increasing your jump distance traveled is going to be a feature because that momentum is too much fun. I love how much it breaks things, so I am debating if I should tell players about it in game or not. Airdash is meant to navigate tight areas like that spiked room where the spikes are also on the walls. There will be more sensible progression with navigating rooms with which ability needed, promise.

You speak about how movement should be like breathing and I 100% agree. There's one bit for example where the wall jump halts momentum sometimes and this bug has been infuriating to figure out along with plenty of other bugs that have still been consistent (spamming projectile will lock the book for example. STILL IN THE DARN GAME AGH). It's currently just an issue with the way I have momentum interruption handled so it is something that will be addressed over time.