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(2 edits) (+1)

Is this a real offer or just a placeholder?

Nice progress, the flashlight is nice. The bug about resizing the window still happens.


Is this a real offer or just a placeholder?

Both. I intend to slowly replace them all myself but if anybody wants to send me something over discord or post it in the thread then I’ll be happy to include it! Just don’t add scanlines as that’s an overlay layer in Krita, and include “ctes” somewhere in the post in case I have to Ctrl+F for it.

The bug about resizing the window still happens.

I have been able to reproduce it by trying out the Windows version over proton, but I haven’t looked at fixing it yet. I want to switch my window handling to GLFW for a bunch of other reasons as well so I’ll look into it then, currently in the plan for around DD59 or so.