
From IndieWeb

IndieWeb movement and terminology

2010: The IndieWeb "movement" (as much as two people getting together and naming something is a "movement") was started by:

after they both attended the 2010-07-18 Federated Social Web Summit in Portland, Oregon and decided what they wanted was a different focus, a focus on:

  • creators instead of talkers - people that create design/UX/code instead of just email/chat about it.
  • selfdogfooding - using your creations on your own website that represents your primary self
  • own your data - owning what you author by publishing it first on your own site, and only later copying to silos

Tantek Çelik and Aaron Parecki decided to use the term "IndieWeb" or phrase "Indie Web" to refer to this new focus and effort.

IndieWebCamp founded

2011: The next year they joined forces with Amber Case & Crystal Beasley and organized the first IndieWebCamp in Portland Oregon on 2011-06-25 and 2011-06-26.

History of IndieWebCamps

2024 BrightonBuild a Website in an Hour March (P)Front End Study Hall April (P)Front End Study Hall May (P)DüsseldorfFront End Study Hall June (P)Planning More Camps & Popups • … •
2023 Build a Website in an Hour July (P)Build a Website in an Hour September (P)Multi-Lingual Personal Websites (P)NurembergCreate Day November (O)San DiegoCreateFest (O)
2022 Analog Meets Online (P)Personal Libraries (P)Create Day March (O)DüsseldorfCreate Day July (O)BerlinCreate Day September (O)How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (P)Create Day December (O)
2021 Respectful Responses (P)Webmentions Beyond (P) • Very Sensitive Data (P)Create Day July (O)Microsub (P)IndieAuth (P)Gardens and Streams II (P)Create Day October (O)IndieAuth 2 (P)DüsseldorfCreate Day December (O)
2020 OnlineAustin London (O)Garden & Stream (P)West (O)Micropub (P)IndieAuth (P)Get Started with WP (P)microformats2 (P)Friendly WP Themes (P)East (O)Create Day (O)
2019 AustinOnlineNew HavenBerlinDüsseldorfUtrecht9th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)AmsterdamOxfordNYCBrightonBerlin2SF
2018 BaltimoreDüsseldorf8th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)SFOxfordNYCNürnbergBerlin
2017 BellinghamDüsseldorfNürnberg7th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)IstanbulNYCBerlinAustin
2016 NYCMITNürnbergDüsseldorf6th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)NYC2BrightonLA (Santa Monica)BerlinMIT2
2015 Cambridge MAGermany (Düsseldorf)Portland & Brighton (5th Summit) • EdinburghMITSF
2014 SFNYCPortland/NYC/Berlin (4th Summit)UK (Brighton)Cambridge MAOnline
2013 Portland (3rd Summit)UK (Brighton)Hollywood
2012 Portland (2nd Summit)UK (Brighton)
2011 Portland (Summit)

See Also