A downloadable game for Windows

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It's the middle of the night.

You need to rest but your stomach is growling and
it's all you can think about.

You're never going to fall asleep like this, you can't
fight it. Is there any food in the house?
Something quick? Something easy?

Perhaps you will have to visit the local takeaway
and order some EGG FRIED RICE...


10 - 20 minutes of gameplay

Multiple endings

Retro early-3D inspired graphics

Tense, sinister horror experience

Driving sequences!

Filters and Headbob can be toggled on/off

Controller support 
(mapped for Switch Pro, but others should work)

NOTE: if you are having issues with the controller,
please close steam, as it can interfere with inputs.

How to play:

WASD - Movement

E / Left Click - Interact / Advance Text

F - Torch / Car Lights


R - Reset your car if it gets stuck (must be stopped)

ESC - Open / Close Menu

Space - Brake (in the car)

Controller buttons can be found in-game
(again, they are listed as Switch Pro but equivalent
buttons on Xbox and PS should work).


Inspired by the sublime boil Noodles at Night!

This is my addition to one of my favourite
sub-genres of Itch horror:

This game started out as a tongue-in-cheek homage
but evolved into a different beast entirely.

If you love these types of games too,
you should check out:

Merely a Chip

The Pizza

The Shopping list

A Missing Salesman


Killer at the Shop

A note on
Multiple Endings:

This game is on the longer side of multi-ending
games here on Itch. My philosophy on multiple
endings has always been that they exist so that
different actions are rewarded or recognised by
the game, leading to outcomes that differ based
on choices.
What I have found is that many players will pursue
EVERY ending one after the other.
By all means do this, but please be aware that the
game is going to seem very repetitive if played
this way, in my opinion.
The design intent is not that you grind your way
to 100% completion lol

Please play until you get bored! :)

Known Issues:

If you are having issues with a controller, please try
closing Steam or disabling the in-game overlay
as it can interfere with inputs!

On 2 occasions (out of HUNDREDS of playtests) I
have had the car clip through the ground at the
start of the game. If you cannot progress at the
beginning, and cannot find a car just restart the
game. I may have fixed this, but because it was
always so rare and hard to replicate, I have no idea.


N.B. All songs used in this game are in the public domain
or are otherwise free to use.

Updated 13 days ago
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(172 total ratings)
AuthorGrainwood Games
TagsAtmospheric, Horror, Multiple Endings, PSX (PlayStation), Short


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

EggFriedRice.zip 35 MB


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Hmm, looks like Dante's fried rice

I'll be sure to play then!

I enjoyed this game maybe too much! Let's Go!

This JumpScare was very camazing

This was a fire game, a couple of them scares had me levitating 



this isn’t my video, but man this guy is funny and this is a great concept for a game too

Questo è un gioco horror breve che mi ha fatto prendere un po' di spavento! Per essere un gioco ispirato a un altro grande gioco horror, ha un sacco di originalità che lo rende davvero unico di per sé.

l'unica cosa degna di nota è che potrebbe essere una buona idea dare al giocatore un po' di indicazioni quando cerca di raccogliere i suoi gadget "gratuiti"

non vedo l'ora di vedere cosa succederà dopo!

Genuinely one of the best Itch games I’ve played in a long time. Typically I dont get scared by horror games in the indie space, but you nailed it. Great job between scary and comedic! I had a bunch of fun with this.

This game is not only funny, but so good. the detail of choices and the little stuff makes it so amazing. The one thing i dislike about horror stuff sometimes is that the main protag is so stupid. but in this one the people in the game felt so real and well written dispite such little dialogue. This is my first ever time writing a comment for in itch.io game, but this game was so good and made me feel so satisfied. It left a big smile on my face. 11/10

This was more complex than I was expecting, and so very fun! Thank you for sharing your work with us, can't wait to see more!

Here's my playthrough in case anyone wants to see:

What a crazy idea for a game lol, i liked it

silly egg fried rice

Who would have thought getting some late-night egg fried rice would be so dangerous! Great game!

What a great game, I really enjoyed it, the atmosphere and the plot of the game, seems simply enough but at the same time really well thought out in my opinion, great work!

We are DREAMSCAPE, which hosts indie game events in Japan.

We would like to show off your game “Egg Fried Rice” at an event.

Given the challenges of traveling to Japan, we would be more than happy to exhibit your game on your behalf. We are eager to help introduce your game to Japanese horror game enthusiasts.

If you are interested, we would be thrilled to receive a reply from you. (Please excuse any awkwardness in this message as it has been translated.

By all means! You may show this game in whatever context you wish.

Thank you and good luck with your event!

Google Translate below:

ぜひ!このゲームをどんな状況でもお見せください。 ありがとうございました。イベントの成功をお祈りします!

Hello, and thank you for your response! 

We are truly delighted to receive your positive feedback on our proposal!

Can I use the screenshots to decorate the exhibition booth?

Video start out slow, but I promise you it’s funny 😆 ( not mine)

Loved getting all the endings and finding stuff.

Hi forgot I uploaded a playthrough a couple days ago I really enjoyed the game, and will probably do a 2nd video doing the other ending. 

Next time order somewhere that actually delivers... Free is good but not when you're  followed around by this creep! Good fun!

This is an egg-cellant (sorry) short horror game that got an honest few scares out of me! For a game inspired by another great horror game, it has a ton of originality that really makes it unique in its own right.

As far as constructive feedback goes, the only point worth mentioning is that it might be a good idea to give the player a bit of direction when they attempt to collect their "free" goodies, such as a line stating "I can use the hiking trail across from my house to get there quickly". 

One final point: the title screen showcases 4 possible ending unlocks, but there is one more possible ending that players can achieve. Not sure if that's intentional or meant to be a secret ending.

Very much looking forward to what comes next!

Can't wait to wake up in the middle of the night and get some food.

great game and I hope to see more

This game is really fun to play, got all 4 endings, but i just wanted to eat my egg fried rice and drink a good beer :(

Played this amazing work of art and was not disappointed. I got 3/4 endings so far and I can't wait to get the 4th.

This was a fun little game with some cool little details!



I got to say this game had me scared  the crap out of me and creeped me out the WHOLE time I was playing it.

Definitely a great game, great atmosphere and story. 

I love the easter eggs you added too and the multiple endings but as stated in the description, it wasn't intended for you to get every single one which I could start to realize after about the 3rd time playing.

 Other than that, beautiful work. 

The name of the game sounds goofy but it's actually a wonderful experience

here is a video about it and how I discovered the game

the free beers got me like always

i had a great time on this game

Great game! thank you for the experience!

this person’s gameplay was fire and funny sadly I can’t play this game on my computer

Game was a treat to play and I would appreciate if you could watch my video to see me crud my pants! :( 


GOOD SHIII!!, i played the easy rout hope to do a part 2 for my channel where i make other decisions to see what happens, CAN't WAIT

This game was fantastic and one of the few games where I actually had fun getting the endings! I typically don't shoot for all the endings but this was just such a joy to play!

cool game

I had a ton of fun with this game. Amazing what you can do with an idea such as egg fried rice. Great job!

good continuation


one of the best indie horror games I ever played great work


I died over some egg fried rice bruh😢

This game is literally fun. The character's looks nice but the thing is I can't take the free from takeaway, get in car says "walk" while walking there's a restricted area barrier. I can't help-

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