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PACE - Private Fitness App

PACE is an end-to-end encrypted fitness app that allows to record, track and analyse your trainings without compromising your privacy.

The app is available on Android and iOS.


Get it on Google Play


Get it on the App Store


  • End-to-end encryption: All your data is encrypted on your device before it is sent to the server. The server never sees your data in plain text.
  • Running and bike rides: Record your running and bike rides with GPS tracking.
  • Offline mode: Record your trainings without an internet connection. The app will sync your data with the server once you are online again.
  • Anaylsis: Analyse your trainings with detailed statistics and graphs.
  • Weekly and monthly summaries: Get a weekly and monthly summary of your trainings with the number of activities, distance and duration.
  • Anonymous: No email or personal information is required to use the app.
  • No ads or tracking: The app does not contain any ads.

Building from source

PACE is built with Expo, written in TypeScript.

  1. Setup Expo following the official documentation
  2. Clone this repository git clone
  3. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values
  4. Install dependencies using npm install
  5. Start the app (add --device to start on a physical device):
    • Android: npm run android
    • iOS: npm run ios


You can read our whitepaper here.


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