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Deep Integrated Blocker

B3yC0d3 edited this page Mar 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

DIB - Deep Integrated Blocker

How does he works?

The DIB (Deep Integrated Blocker) is located in the Main.js, that's the main file of a Electron application.
In this file, the main window is created and all event listeners are set. Where would the best place for such
a blocker else than in this file?
Code snipped:

app.on('ready', () => {
    var menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(customMenu)

    /* Deep Integrated Blocker */
    AdBlocker = new adblocker(win, [__dirname + '/lists/list_01.json'])

Line 72 - 80 from main.js

What does this thing Block?

Currently its blocks successfully:

  • Google AdSense
  • Analytics Tools
    • Google Analytics
    • Hotjar
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