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Repository files navigation


  1. Install node.js.
  2. npm install in the project directory to set up dependencies.

Available commands

  • npm run start - build the app and run a webserver (by default on http://localhost:4400)
  • npm run watch - build the app and automatically rebuild on future changes


  • PORT - defaults to 4400.
  • NODE_ENV - optional - setting this to development will allow logging to console instead of logentries.
  • LOGENTRIES_ACCESS_TOKEN - optional - logentries token for logging incoming requests.
  • LOGENTRIES_APP_TOKEN - optional - logentries token for logging everything else.
  • ALGOLIA_API_KEY - optional - algolia token with write permissions to jsDelivr and jsDelivr_assets indices.

How it works

Project structure

  • src/js - server-side JavaScript. Stuff under /api/ is a private API used by our front-end.
  • src/public - all client-side content - JavaScript, CSS (LESS), and images. To be bundled in the app, JS and LESS files need to be imported in app.js/app.less.
  • src/views - all pages, organized as Ractive components. app.html is the base templates for all pages, and other components are injected into #page.


Search is powered by Algolia. There's a script, which is run once a minute. It retrieves a list of all projects from our API, compares that with an in-memory copy of the index, and updates the Algolia index when necessary (only if valid ALGOLIA_API_KEY is set).

Some projects have too many files. In that case, a separate index (jsDelivr_assets) is used to store a list of files for each version of the project, and assets in the main index is set to an empty array.

In addition to project name (which has the highest priority), it also searches in author's name and project's description, and tolerates typos (1 or 2 characters).

Auto-deploy Build Status

When code is pushed to master it is autodeployed to


No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 54.9%
  • CSS 27.7%
  • JavaScript 17.3%
  • Shell 0.1%