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Converting lyrx file or style manager stylx file from ArcGIS Pro to ArcMap


Is there a way to either convert a lyrx file or the style manager stylx file from ArcGIS Pro 2.0 into anything that can be used in ArcMap 10.5?

I have symbology for about 100 items in ArcGIS Pro that I need to be able to use in ArcMap.

2 Answers


I just saw by chance, that my ArcMap 10.8.1 was able to import LYRX. I haven't checked if the symbology is complete, but it looks good.

XTools Pro is what allows this to happen in ArcMap


The only way I could "import" a LYRX to ArcMap was to follow someone's else idea of publishing the layer as a Web Layer from ArcGIS Pro to AGOL and then open it on ArcMap. On my case, ArcMap displayed the symbology correctly and from there I could save a LYR file

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Converting lyrx file or style manager stylx file from ArcGIS Pro to ArcMap


Is there a way to either convert a lyrx file or the style manager stylx file from ArcGIS Pro 2.0 into anything that can be used in ArcMap 10.5?

I have symbology for about 100 items in ArcGIS Pro that I need to be able to use in ArcMap.

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I just saw by chance, that my ArcMap 10.8.1 was able to import LYRX. I haven't checked if the symbology is complete, but it looks good.

XTools Pro is what allows this to happen in ArcMap


Hi, that sounds new and interestening. Can you explain a bit more on how you did the import? Just by applying a lyrx-file to a layer in ArcMap, it doesn't seem to work for me so far. Thank you! - GeoBaer May 18, 2021 at 8:27

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