A downloadable game for Windows and Android

In an effort to gain a better understanding on how to create 3D platformers in Unity, we set out on an adventure to produce this love letter to Crash Bandicoot.

The love letter was well received. We have been blown away by the positive feedback and reception, we would like to thank you all very much for having fun with it

It is our intention to continue development (if uninterrupted) until v1.0 at which point we will consider the game complete, and we will have done everything we are aiming to do with the project.

We often post about progress and chat about the game in The Warp Room Discord server (a home for all things Crash related!) where many users also share custom levels that you can play: https://discord.gg/n3ev7g3RnE


  • 10 Traditional Levels
  • 10 Flashback Tape Levels
  • 5 Trials of Uka-Uka
  • Crash Creator (Mario Maker for Crash Bandicoot)


v0.95.zip 224 MB
v0.95.apk 276 MB

Development log


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Hello, I really want this to be in the next update of the game, I would like you to put it so I can change the keys like a, s, w, d and to swim shift turn ctrl crawl, crouch and belly, for me, these types of controls are bad for me, so I wanted you to add a function that could change the controls

Pystyisikö saamaan version ladattavaksi missä tnt ja nitro laatikoissa ovat alkuperäiset räjähdysäänet?

Onko mahdollista lisätä TNT laatikoihin välkkyminen tai ainakin alkuperäinen räjähdys ääni? Nitro laatikoihin myös alkuperäinen räjähdys ääni 

cool 20/10 


EPlease add making levels on four sides, i.e. up down right left and not only right left, so please refine it to v0.96 and more Gems, i.e.







:There aren't


And the platforms on the Jewel, please


how I do this? Do I have to press keys? 

Once you’ve made a selection, click and hold for half a second to lift the tiles off the grid, then click and hold again after dragging to finalize their position.


THIS is how you make a good fangame involving crash bandicoot made out of love.

(1 edit)

It's wonderful, I love it. I'm only stuck on how to properly save, it always just starts at new game for me, no continue. Been lookin' all over and can't find the save option. It's likely me, as are most "HOW DO I X" in reviews.

EDIT: Thank you wonderful people in the Discord server!

Błąd jest jak kliknę exportuj i wybieram zapisz a tu mi wychodzi z gry więc proszę to naprawić

UNBEARABLE! This is the best fan game I ever played! Thank you from bottom of my heart! It is one of the best things whats happened to me in this year. My life will not be same anymore! LOVE <3<3<3<3

Jeszcze jak by się dało to plis zróbcie nieskańczalne miejsce do tworzenia poziomów i Platformy o takie typu REDGEMPLATFORM 






better than retro hijinx is all i can say cuz i didn't play this game yet


man, this game is just so much fun to make levels on. i'm still hyping on some Crash Creator ideas: Cortex, N. Brio, N. Tropy, N. Gin, Pinstripe Potoroo and Dingodile as enemies, Polar, background trigger blocks, the Crash-looking fish from 3, and hopefully The Quantum Masks as well


Took the time to 100% it and do some custom levels and did not regret it.

Has a few quirks, but they actually make it out to be a unique while familiar crash experience. Even going as far as to teach you some of the unique tech that resulted from this games slight differences in the extra challenges.

This is an amazing little game with endless possibilities due to the custom level editor.


What an amazing game. I play it on my Steam Deck and it runs amazingly good with Proton Experimental. Superb job!

this fan game is pretty awesome

Black screen on android version


I've downloaded it, what do I do now?

Extract it to a folder, and open it and run the exe that says "Crash Bandicoot - Back in Time".

 I eventually found out, but thanks anyway!

mr. lost 

The same happened to me

Woow 🤩 Excelente, spendido!! A real fun and very impressive game. A must play before you check out . Thank you so much!

I created an account on the new page yesterday and now I can't log in
I'm pretty sure I remember the password I put just one day ago
Can we have a verification and restoration password option?

That will be added in the coming week. Sorry about that!

Please never give up.

The new level database is absolutely huge!

(1 edit) (+1)

Excelente update, ya está más o menos explicado para la habla hispana 

Where did you find the animations for crash's model?

reverse engineering


Absoluty perfect  *___+

The truth is, what a great project the kids are doing, I hope they share the project on a cithub so I can help them in the creation of the project, I am available to help them in the project


Please add 32-bit and Windows XP support to the game. The game has a retro theme and Windows XP is the ideal platform for it. Since the game has a retro theme, Windows XP would be the ideal platform for it.

ok i a few months(?) tried out the exclusive (and elusive) mobile version! on my phone! i don't trust apple because they release the same s🗿 every f🎉ing new iFoam they release, which is good because there's no iOS version

right off the bat, the game had mobile controls and the mobile settings tab. this allows you to play the game

- as a youtube short

- upside down

- as a mepipe pants (yt shorts option but upside down)

- downside up

so yeah for some reason the game starts upside down (the bottom of the screen is above the volume n power buttons) and you have to change it every time

i deinstalled it because the text disappeared for some reason so

risotto in piece

Macaroni Cornflake II


cause of death: my phone bad i think

yeah that's his name (macaroni c. the first is in the windows save file btw)

summary 4/10 macaroni cornflake sad (his son die)

I just started playing this and it's great! Honestly though, I feel like you could make it your own original game.  I do understand that it'd be hard to get all new art and music etc, but I think it would be worth it!

anyways please add superpowers im begiginasfgng you8UEUO

Nice hack game!


Just downloaded it and i gotta say, i absolutely love this. Its amazing and the Crash Creator, this should exist already. What an awesome idea 

Great Game Would see it get improved in the future

Awsome :)

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