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Modding discussion for Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Legendary Edition and Skyrim VR
  1. What's new in this game
  2. The base game prioritizes you completing quests and interacting with merchants. There isn't much to do outside of this other than mindlessly clearing dungeons. Why can't we play as a hunter who spends most of their time in the wilderness? Or a morally bankrupt necromancer who has to stay far from civilization? There is the Undeath mod, which does add in some stuff you can do that would be appropriate for a necromancer, including a dedicated merchant who clearly wouldn't care about your character's predilection. I don't know of any other quest mods though that don't require you to go anywhere near civilization. For hunters, there is the Chanterelle mod, but that's only for SE. I admit, I would love to play this, but I have no way too! Then again, I did re-install s#*! edition for the Beyond Skyrim project. Perhaps I could play it, but only if I have some way to avoid Skyrim itself. I guess there's also draugnarok, which essentially removes all the vanilla npcs and turns cities into open-air draugr tombs. That however doesn't cover the lack of content outside of civilized society. What else could be used? I'm not well versed in quest mods (Undeath, It Bears for Her, and Moon and Star are the only ones I've ever fully played through). Of course small side-quest mods like these are rather few. Most quest mods are pretty large scale, with many of them straight being dlc-sized! I guess dungeon mods can help too, like Forgotten Dungeons or even Skyrim Underground, though that only gives you some new locations to explore; it still doesn't solve the problem that all you have to do is hunt animals and clear dungeons.
  3. I am creating musical group performances where I hope to sync instrument playing & singing animations to songs for solo performances up to orchestra performances of over 60 performers plus a conductor. Obviously I can't have that many dialogue parts happening at once, which is why I went with sound descriptors. So far I can have the sound files play when I want, & was able to get the performers to stand/sit completely still, & still have a lot of NPCs in a cell without crashing, for testing purposes. Now I am getting to the point where I will most likely need to create scenes etc to add in the animations singing, & was wondering what ways would be better for doing this. This area of modding is new to me & I haven't found a lot of tutorials available on it yet.
  4. to fix the write-file issue in Racemenu that often results in missing variable data in resultant Racemenu Preset definition files (the jslot specifially).
  5. There are already wig mods, including HDT-SMP ones.
  6. To fix crashing issues, you need to install a crash log. Install Crash Logger SSE and generate a log for us: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818
  7. Next time, use crash Logger SSE instead of Trainwreck, since it is more detailed. But to answer your question, it seems you have issues with your gamepad device: (BSWin32GamepadDevice*). After the recent updates, a new controlmap is needed for it not to crash when having a gamepad plugged in. To fix this, download and install this working controlmap: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89649
  8. On that note, how do you even play skyrim? I'VE SERIOUSLY FORGOTTEN HOW TO. All I've done is chase after iterms, doing the same damned quests over and over again. And now because of bethesda, I can't even play with my favorite mods. Real Shelter doesn't work anymore, and I have to play LE because BETHESDA ANNIHILATED s#*! EDITION AND REPLACED IT WITH A DISGUSTING REVOLTING PIECE OF s#*! YOU SERIOUSLY COULDN'T PAY ME TO PLAY. YES I WOULD SERIOUSLY TURN DOWN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS JUST TO AVOID THE SUFFERING OF THAT PROGRAM THAT REPLACED A NOW DEAD GAME. And don't tell me to take a break and play something else; I literally have nothing else. All I have is games that turned out to be scams (DOESN'T STEAM HAVE ANY RULES AGAINST FALSE ADVERTISING), or they were updated into something unrecognizable. Hell, I can't even play Terraria anymore BECAUSE THEY INCREASED THE DIFFICULTY WITH THE 1.4 VIRUS. I HAD AN END-GAME CHARACTER WITH END-GAME GEAR, AND SUDDENLY AFTER THAT VIRUS HIT I SERIOUSLY COULDN'T EVEN HANDLE PRE-HARDMODE SLIMES WITH MY END GAME GEAR WTF. I would go and play something else if it was within my power, I assure you that, but it is not. I own NOTHING but Skyrim LE. Its this game or nothing. I refuse to buy anymore s#*! from steam because how many times I've gotten scammed by overly long tutorials. What happened to the days when if you didn't enjoy a game, you could take it back and get a different one? No, instead you have to throw HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS INTO THE TRASH FOR NOTHING. Oh god how I wish I still had that $200 something dollars. My life would seriously be so much easier IF I HAD SPENT IT ON SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY GAVE A RETURN. f*#@ steam TO HELL. I genuinely hope that's a special place in HELL for everyone who has any ties at all to that SHADY SCAM PROGRAM. Sorry, bad day, I'm done now. Guess I'll go continue that pygame book so I can make my own games SO I CAN OWN SOMETHING I ACTUALLY ENJOY AND OWN AND CAN DO WHATEVER THE BLOODY HELL I WANT WITH AND NOT A DAMN THING CAN BE DONE TO TEAR IT AWAY FROM ME.
  9. Made it further in the main questline than I have in a long time. I actually forgot most of it its been so long. Finally got a piece of the armor from a mod I was planning on wearing. I chose heavy armor for this reason. However, while running around with the gauntlets, I got a level up for light armor! Turns out, despite the look, the gauntlets of the crusader were light armor rather than heavy. Checking the other pieces, they were all light. So now, I had no armor for my character. I emptied the museum, deleted my entire inventory, then deleted all my saves. Why bother taking up data with all that worthless s#*! when I couldn't play it anyway? Oh, and you know the ultimate punchline of all of this? I checked the wiki to see if it listed the armor pieces as light armor. Apparently, they come in light and heavy variants. I could've swapped those gauntlets to heavy armor at a workbench. I had no indication of this. Fml. Why did the things even spawn in my inventory as light when I was a heavy armor character? I even had multiple perks in heavy armor. Never even leveled light armor once until that moment that ruined my character. Now, I had one skill point that was useless, rendering the character unplayable regardless of gear. I'm really getting sick of this mod. Why am I even doing it? All its done for me is make me restart playthroughs god knows how many times. I can't even remember the last time I finished a questline its been so damned long. I'm sick of replaying the same character over and over just because I had one tiny mistake. Missed an item, chose the wrong gear, chose a crappy build in sheer desperation to break up the repetition. Why do I even keep doing this? I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed Skyrim. Seriously, f*#@ this stupid challenge I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE ONE GAME I HAVE LEFT. f*#@ Legacy of the Dragonborn. Will I ever make another attempt? I hope not honestly.
  10. Create a reference alias property that is filled with the follower alias from the dialog follower quest. This would get any NPC follower in the stock setup to port into the new location, leaving any other followers using other systems behind. If you want to include followers using other systems or additional followers added to the stock system, you'll need to patch that in. Also create properties for the marker(s) you want to move to. ReferenceAlias Property Follower Auto ObjectReference Property InternalLocMarker Auto ObjectReference Property ExternalLocMarker Auto Once you have your reference alias property filled, get the reference assigned to it and then move them to the new location. i.e. Follower.GetReference().MoveTo(InternalLocMarker) Or if leaving and / or returning to where they were prior Follower.GetReference().MoveTo(ExternalLocMarker)
  11. Hi, do the following: 1- Make a copy of your game saves folder for safekeeping. 2- Open your game and create a new saved game. 3- Open the saved games folder and organize by date and time. Delete all files that do not have the time and date of the save you just created, that is, leave only the recent files. Install this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20406 OBS: Use LOOT to order your mods. 4- Open the game and create a new save. 5- Repeat process 3. Good luck
  12. Thanks for the answer How can i check for any followers and what type of follower?
  13. This Horse that i created can't open doors, so it can't follow me inside interriors or load doors, btw it can travel with me in the map as a follower in fast traver, and it's exactly what i wanted.
  14. I would recommend Conquest of Skyrim but I would only run it if I plan to finish a current playthrough.
  15. To be honest I share your disdain for force greets and it got worse in Fallout 4 with Preston Garvey. I had to run a good distance away from him so that he wouldn't give me another settlement to defend quest to the back log of settlement defense quests. But to be fair there is no urgency to do these quests and if you hate the quest givers that much there are ways you can $*@# them over. Eltrys will die in the middle of the Forsworn Conspiracy, you can kill Sapphire when you offer to help Shadr with his debt and you can kill the Alik'r during the quest In My Time Of Need. Other characters like Brynjolf and Maul would require you to remove their essential tags with console commands or use a mod like Conquest of Skyrim which will allow you take over Skyrim and execute anyone you don't like ( I always use that one when I wanted to teach Maven Black Briar a lesson).
  16. I know that many people share my disdain of Delphine for good reason but I wanted to suggest something new. I've already ran the Paarthurnax Dilemma mod which puts Delphine in her place many times in past playthroughs but I found it more satisfying to simply remove her and Esbern's essential tags with console commands and kill them after the main quest is over. I thought it was time to change things up a bit. While I'm not a fan of the Thalmor I'm even less of a Delphine fan and the only reason I'm targeted by the Thalmor is my association with the Blades. It was high time that the Blades were finally put to rest and the organisation is nothing more than a failure especially after they failed to keep the last Septim emperor and his family safe in Oblivion. This can be done in a number of ways, the player can give their location to the Thalmor for a small reward or kill them personally and collect their heads to give to the Thalmor, receive a higher reward and an end to the Thalmor hit squads (at least until the player starts killing Thalmor patrols escorting Talos worshippers). When I last killed Delphine, the barkeeper at the Sleeping Giant Inn Orgnar would refuse to serve me and tell me to get out. It would be interesting to throw him into the mix as a Blades conspirator and put in a replacement barkeeper.
  17. Going off memory, that doesn't look like the correct spelling. Try: player.advskill marksman 800000
  18. ya my issue is a little different, no commands work in the console at all like toggle commands dont work either, or like the command "adv.skill marksman 800000" would normally advance your archery skill to 100 but nothing for me.
  19. By my count, the default game has ~9 fully covering female NPC voices. I think there ought to be more, and the highest priority NPCs unique to them (Lydia and Aela get to get their voices uniquely, for example). Now that elevenlabs.io can morph an audio file of any voice to another (~50 canned or recorded), it should be possible to batch generate all the standard NPC dialog plus high priority mods like the Nether's Follower Framework. If anyone knows the technical details of how this could be done, I'm happy to dedicate my month's worth of elevenlabs ($20) to contributing to make this happen. Maybe we could also find some English-speaking Nordic women (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Russian, Fin, Scottish, Irish, and British) to lend their voices (~10 minutes of recording to be semi-immortalized ;). ( https://elevenlabs.io/blog/how-to-clone-voice )
  20. @ReDragon2013 Just saw this thread looking for something else and was reminded how much you helped me when I was just beginning with Papyrus, thank you again.
  21. In SE/AE, each character's saves have their own save numbering, and those other long strings after (between the save number and the location name) tell the game which saves go with that character. And yah, I've never seen it partly reset to all zeroes like that before. Does it continue/happen again if you load an earlier save from before the change? And in the Load menu, are the zeroed saves showing up under the same character as the earlier saves? Or does the game think they're from a different character with the same name? (Also, what happened to Save98? I see its .skse file there, but not the actual .ess.)
  22. I noticed that in my game as well a few days ago. I wanted to test something which needed some silver, so I typed player.additem f 2222, and nothing happened. Eventually I figured out it would work if I typed: player.additem 0000000f 2222. For some reason during that session it required the full eight hex characters. However in later sessions I didn't need all eight characters. I don't know the culprit, but now that I'm aware of it I know the work around if it happens again
  23. Personally I run Fnis and Nemisis together what you do is tick the box thats the vortex file redirection in the fnis setup and redirect the fnis files somewhere other than your game folder, then you just install nemisis and run as normal. That way you have have fnis installed for the dependencies but nemisis actually handles all the animations. I use vortex not MO though. Hope this helps, if you have any questions on how to set this up let me know.
  24. So recently Ive noticed that my console no longer works what I mean is when i open the console and type in a command nothing happens like eg if i enter additem ### the command is entered but i dont receive the item, and yes im sure the form id's are correct, none of the commands do anything. Another issue that im having is when a courier runs up to me to give me notes he doesnt actually give me any of the notes at least none go into my inventory, its a separate issue but from the same cause or atleast it started happening the same time my console quit working. I have a heavily modded game and was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this issue or if someone would know how to track down the issue without disabling one mod at a time because that would be a very long and unfun process i wouldnt even want to attempt. Here is a copy of my load order and youll see what i mean::: # Automatically generated by Vortex Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full ESL Version.esm Shino Maid Pack.esl AncientBloodII.esl Lux - Resources.esp Lux Via.esp YurianaWench.esp Water for ENB.esm Lux - Master plugin.esm SMSkyrim.esp BBLuxurySuite.esm Better Dynamic Snow SE - DisableRefs.esm RaceCompatibility.esm CompanionArissa.esm snow elf waifu.esp AyleidCitadel.esp DodgeFramework.esl Dodge_MCO-DXP.esl SmoothCam.esl EFFCore.esm Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl ECE Sliders for Racemenu.esl FlowerGirls SE.esm Black Thief.esl Heels Sound.esm High Poly Head.esm iWant Widgets.esl hdtHighHeel.esm SexLabAroused.esm TrueHUD.esl FISS.esp Kai's Lipstick.esl DevilsDaedraArmor.esl Vindictus Valkyrie.esl MBlade.esl TissHeadTrack.esl AAANovaBlastEnchantmentDwarvenCroossbow.esl CraftableNightingaleDisenchanted.esl Particle Patch for ENB.esp SkyUI_SE.esp Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp TrueStormsSE.esp Obsidian Weathers.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp Better Dynamic Snow SE.esp Immersive Wenches.esp EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ELFX - Exteriors.esp Parallax TXST Fixes.esp Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp BBLS_SKSE64_Patch.esp ELFX - NoPlayerHomes.esp Lux Via - Brighter lighting patch.esp AI Overhaul.esp HearthfireMultiKid.esp Lux Via - plugin.esp SOTGenesisMod.esp SeranaDialogAddon.esp TCBM.esp Convenient Carriages.esp MMX452 Alternate Starts.esp Embers XD.esp RomanceOfNPCs.esp MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp Botox SE.esp Nightingale Hall.esp Northern Bathhouses.esp TrueDirectionalMovement.esp EldenSkyrim.esp EldenSkyrim_RimSkills.esp DragonfallCastle.esp 018Auri.esp Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp RDO Updated.esp COR_AllRace.esp Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp OStim.esp Tekla.esp Parallax TXST Fixes - Embers XD.esp Parallax TXST Fixes - SMSkyrim.esp Parallax TXST Fixes - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp C5Kev's Sexy Rose Armor 3BA.esp C5Kev's SL Bikini Outfit 3BA.esp C5Kev's Sexy Assassin Outfit 3BA.esp TIFF Sexy Kunoichi.esp Easy Console Commands.esp Hwybee St.Louis.esp JK's The Ragged Flagon.esp nwsJennaFollower.esp RiverwoodKeep.esp Dragon Falls Manor.esp SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp SofiaFollower.esp KnightsRest.esp Hateful Wenches.esp The Heart Of Dibella - Quest Expansion.esp RFExit.esp DX StLouis SE.esp KS Hairdo's.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp DX Fetish Fashion Volume 1 SE.esp DX FetishFashion II.esp DarkDesiresCircleOfLust.esp PROTEUS.esp Enchanting Freedom.esp All armor - All enchantments.esp FasterArrows100.esp FlowerGirls SE - Adventures.esp MorthalHome.esp Whiterun Dibella Club.esp Paragliding.esp miranda.esp JKs Ragged Flagon - ELFX Patch.esp Sneak Tools.esp Bijin AiO.esp KSWigsSMP.esp Bijin AIO - Hair Physics.esp EFFDialogue.esp UVNPC Assigned Mod Voices.esp Recorder Follower Base.esp Lux Via - He-Man patch.esp BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp VioLens SE.esp Use Special Markers.esp BBLSExtBeds.esp Kate.esp ShakeIt!.esp CC_Ferry_Patch.esp TwinbladesOfSkyrim.esp Abyss.esp FayeFG.esp Twilight Princess Armor.esp An Evening With Angi.esp CC_LuxViaPlugin_Patch.esp JKs Ragged Flagon - AI Overhaul Patch.esp My Home Is Your Home.esp Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp FortifyEnchanting.esp ChampionofAzura.esp Maelstrom.esp JKs Ragged Flagon - USSEP Patch.esp OStimCommunityResource.esp SummonMistress.esp IHRAlessaFollower.esp DogmaAnimSLAL.esp SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp MilkyObj.esp Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp OB01SecundaFollower.esp Naz_Aerith.esp Demon Kali.esp True Prone System.esp Nightingale Faster Cooldown.esp infiniteCharge.esp Embers XD - Patch - ELFX.esp LilissaDruidFollower.esp Better Dynamic Snow Patch.esp Daring Nightingale Prime.esp Lux Via - NSUTR.esp RomanceOfNPCs_BBLS_Patch.esp Nicos Twinblades.esp ToneyCraftingResource2.esp CSV_Karla.esp RiverwoodKeepUSSEP.esp Bijin Warmaidens.esp Bijin AIO - AI Overhaul Patch.esp Bijin NPCs.esp Bijin AIO - Hair Physics - AI Overhaul Patch.esp GLZ-Peekpocket.esp NightingaleShadowcloak.esp ArrowBlock.esp BD Armor and clothes replacer.esp Nightingale Enchantments Redone.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp DragonbornDisenchanting.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp WACCF_SneakTools_Patch.esp BHUNP Bikini Nightingale.esp Renashiroko Nightingale Armor.esp ThirdPersonFirstPersonAiming.esp bettershroudedarmorfixed.esp FSMPM - The FSMP MCM.esp COR_TheEyesOfBeauty_Compability Patch.esp MoreAdventuresForOstim.esp ZaitamasAncientShroudedArmor.esp [Kirax] BDOR 2024 Female Collection.esp [COCO] Accessories [SE].esp [NINI] Venus Cage [SE].esp BDO Valkyrie Olympia [Dint999] [SE].esp [NINI] Venus Valkyrie.esp Alyn Shir Armor.esp MirandaFlowerGirlsPatch.esp SeeEnchs.esp Skyrim Cheat Engine.esp Brows.esp Kyoe BanginBrows.esp Kyoe BanginBrows - Light - HighPolyHead.esp Maevan2EyeBrows.esp SGEyebrows.esp Wounds.esp Wounds - Some Improvements.esp Wounds - Some Improvements - Block Immunity.esp Lulu_sDarkBrotherhood.esp Pyr4m1dH3d_DragonSlayer_v02.esp Berserker.esp Tullius Hair 3 SMP.esp Tullius Hair 3 SMP2.esp [Melodic] Elven Assasin.esp EldenWarAshForMCO.esp EldenWarAshPack1.esp EldenWarAshPack2.esp Keytrace.esp KeyTraceForEldenRim.esp RimImpactOfMob.esp RimImpactOfPlayer.esp EldenParry.esp RimExecutionHitSA.esp EREP_patchSA.esp __SisterOutfits.esp shadowman_VirginSisterNun.esp XF Shadow Void SpiderTech Outfits.esp [Melodic] Shadow outfit SE.esp KSA_vdk.esp Castle Volkihar Rebuilt - RDO Patch.esp BloodMagicArmor.esp Skimpy Unique Deathbrand.esp Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets SSE.esp JulesDisenchantGodAmulets.esp RealmShifting.esp Slow Time Edit.esp LEFT_EnchantingTomes.esp InfiniteShouts.esp Dynamic Dodge Shot.esp configurable_perks_per_level.esp Twilight Princess Armor - Alt Textures and Cloth Addon.esp H2135FantasySeries7.esp Summermyst - WACCF Patch.esp _Fuse00_ArmorLeon.esp High Level Enemies - Increased Max Resists.esp High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.esp CC_BDSnow_Patch.esp CC_HorseChange_Addon.esp FurnitureForce3rdPerson.esp [Daymarr] Shadow Knight.esp High Level Enemies.esp Deadly Wenches.esp Deadly Wenches - Faction Addon.esp High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp Auri's Combat Style Enhancement.esp SleepForMeNow.esp Immersive Speech Dialogues.esp ChooeysChoiceRequirements.esp CK_Jordis_Replacer.esp CK_Mjoll_Replacer.esp NightEyeENBFix_PredatorVision.esp Obsidian Weathers - Vanilla nights.esp Obsidian Weathers - Patch - Rudy ENB.esp [COCO] Demon Shade [SE].esp [COCO] Shadow Assassin.esp sandboxcylinderheight.esp HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp NyrFollowerAssets.esp Nuria Nyr - Follower.esp [COCO] Scarlet Rose.esp Botox SE - Flower Girls.esp Botox SE - Immersive Wenches.esp [NINI] Karlstein.esp [NINI] Garnet.esp [NINI] Destroyer.esp [NINI] Death Lady.esp ORomance.esp AnubAnimObj.esp AnubAnimObjAdaptedFurniture.esp Arial Smooches of Skyrim.esp R_Dragonbane_Replacer.esp ORomanceStatEditor.esp ORomanceStatEditorPlus.esp scar-adxp-patch.esp Attack_DXP.esp Taina Dress.esp FreecameramovementThrones - DLC - Alt.esp Race Compatiblity - Serana Add-on Dialogue.esp SDA Blood Arrows Patch.esp SDA Castle Volkihar Rebuilt Patch.esp SDA RDO Patch.esp Trueblood Serana.esp SDA Spell Toggle Expanded Trueblood.esp SDA-AA Patch.esp NideVeilFollower.esp ValmiliaFollower.esp [Christine] Nocturnal Underboob.esp Simply Sexy Sweater.esp Pocky Punk's Make Up Addon_females.esp OneClickPowerAttackMCM.esp DF_T19.esp SPID_LilissaTheDruid_FantasySeries7Outfit.esp CS_Lilissa.esp Lilissa_fg_addon.esp PowerSexPartners_Follower.esp CarryweightExtended.esp UnlimitedEnchantmentsMod.esp [TheMilkDrinker] Kinnari Armor.esp EvenMoreMakeup.esp FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp SprintSlide.esp Atlantean Landscape Majestic Edition.esp [Daymarr] Late Night Pack.esp ksws03.esp [Ashtoreth] Black Hellebore.esp MVC Regalia of the Scorned Vampire Armor Replacer.esp RegaliaOfTheScorned.esp Extended Encounters.esp PlaceRomanceMarker.esp FlowerGirls_SoundsFix.esp Katya.esp ORomancePlus.esp RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp AlternateStartFollowers.esp Enhanced WheelMenu Control.esp UVNPC - RDO & AI Overhaul Patch.esp Black Widow Outfit.esp Celes Nightingale Armor.esp BuxomWenchYuriana-JKs Ragged Flagon.esp Celes Rogue Armor UNP.esp Daedric Reaper Armor.esp Demon Armor.esp Merta Assassin Armor.esp RaceMenu.esp Merta Assassin Tattoos.esp Merta Black Rose Armor.esp Spartan Bard Outfit.esp Stella Mithril Armor.esp Tembtra Thief Armor.esp GhoulArmor.esp EclipseSeductress.esp Nocturnal Noir Outfit.esp ObiMizora.esp WyrmSlayerArmor.esp FlowerGirls SE - Bathing Beauties Patch.esp RogueOutfit.esp DynastyArmor.esp DynastyArmorLight.esp Tifa_follower_Unarmed.esp BBD Skimpy Assassin Outfit.esp WetFunction.esp KSHairdosSMP.esp Black Thief.esp VtawWardrobe5.esp [Caenarvon] Cosplay Pack.esp KS Hairdos.esp GenesisBabesNude.esp Cosplay For FGIW SPID.esp SMSkyrim - My Home is Your Home Patch.esp SMSkyrim - Encounters.esp SMSkyrim - Meshes.esp LazyBodyEdit.esp Judgment Wenches.esp Kswigsforwenchoutfit.esp SLALAnimObjBillyy.esp AA_OStim_Sequences.esp AmorousAdventures MCM.esp MCMHelper.esp The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp FNIS.esp FNISspells.esp RaceMenuHH.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp CBBE.esp RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 3BBB.esp CondHHW.esp FNISSexyMove.esp XPMSE.esp UIExtensions.esp RutahTattooPack SE.esp MP Immersive Wenches Dialogue Boost.esp Immersive Wenches OStim.esp Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch.esp Forgotten Wenches.esp LazyItemEdit.esp LazyHeels.esp FlowerGirls SE - IW Patch.esp FlowerGirls SE - Maids II Deception.esp Precision.esp SMSkyrim - TexturePack_Max.esp SMSkyrim - Custom Head Patch.esp AddItemMenuSE.esp 12FemaleBrows.esp Obi's Vampire Clothing.esp NightshadeMistress.esp Obi's Crimson Outfit.esp Obi's Leather Outfit.esp ObiCommonOutfit.esp RDO - USSEP Patch.esp EFF Recruit Spell.esp EffDistancefix.esp OVirginity.esp OCum.esp H2135FantasySeries9.esp H2135FantasySeries6.esp OAroused.esp OSLAroused.esp Jenna.esp ORomancePlus_JenKat.esp H2135FantasySeries8.esp H2135FantasySeries5.esp H2135ModernSeries3.esp H2135PirateSeries2.esp SM_3ba_Outfit.esp Bijin Wives.esp True Storms - Obsidian Weathers - Patch .esp Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp SimpleDirt.esp Footprints.esp [Melodic] Shiny Jumpsuit.esp [TheMilkDrinker] YoRHa 2B Attire.esp ETERNAL_BABE_Follower.esp CS_Serana.esp CS_Valerica.esp Silent Death Outfit.esp [Christine] Risque Set.esp 3DM Lingling Outfit.esp Fantasia Outfit.esp DecoratorHelper.esp [Christine] Dibella's Silk.esp [Christine] Mood IV.esp [NINI] Dressy.esp abcd_valerica.esp OB01SecundaFollower as Nyx by Xtudo.esp Arissa_DefaultBody+DialogFix.esp Arissa Re-Imagined.esp Gotobed.esp BBLS - CVR Patch.esp Priscilla.Follower.esp Heart Breaker SE.esp ROSDDA.esp Sword of Kings SE - Johnskyrim.esp Enna.esp [NINI] Chat Noir.esp [NINI] Deified.esp [NINI] Demon Ranger.esp Hololive Yuzuki Choco Default Outfit.esp Hololive Shirogane Noel Default Outfit.esp NorthernBathhouses_allfemalepatch.esp [ELLE] Elven Lake.esp Alinor Nyr - Follower - Destruction Mage - ESL.esp BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp HearthfireMultiKid [PATCH - AIPackage Tweaks].esp Dibella Club - Hot Womens.esp TBD - DibellaStatue.esp Hwybee Silver Desire.esp EyesThatKill.esp Vampire Chain [SE].esp [Rektas] Sanguine [SE].esp [Rektas] Taranis [SE].esp [Rektas] Temptress [SE].esp [COCO] Pinup Cheongsam [SE].esp [Rektas] First Priest [SE].esp JKs Ragged Flagon - Celes Rogue Patch.esp DVLaSS Skyrim Underside.esp Water For ENB - Clear Underwater.esp MoonsAndStars.esp H2135FantasySeries8 [SE].esp ahzWaywardKnight.esp Wayward Knight Set - Addon.esp FDE Lydia.esp CK_Lydia_Replacer.esp LydiaDialogueMareFollowerPatch.esp FDE Aela.esp DialogueExpansion - Brelyna.esp FDE Jordis.esp FDE Mjoll.esp RDO - FDE Patch.esp ChooeysChoiceBrelyna.esp Auri Re-Imagined.esp Lap Sitting.esp WACCF HLE Fixes.esp shadowman_dibella.esp H2135HalloweenOutfit2020 [SE].esp H2135FantasySeries7 [SE].esp Koralina's Eyebrows.esp Elemental Eyes.esp McmRecorder.esp MenuMaid2.esp LepidopteraPhasing.esp ShinobiEffects.esp Vampire's scythe.esp Altair-WCBA.esp [COCO]BattleAngels.esp TERA Velic Outfit.esp Amras Armor.esp Strapped Outfit.esp KSA_vdkS.esp 3TD[silver knight].esp [Melodic] CY Bodysuit SE.esp [Melodic] Mistress Lilith.esp [Melodic] Spiked Tape.esp [Melodic] Nightsong Lingeries SE.esp BA_sakurako_Latex_Nun.esp RPER_patch.esp EldenCounter.esp Ostim SA Female Moan Voicesets.esp Bloodmoon.esp Ascension.esp STARWARS_JEDI.esp Malenia.esp Nalene.esp Better Face Lighting.esp ImprovedAlternateConversationCamera.esp noCamColl_2_SE.esp Fixed body collision.esp noCamColl_2_SE-Fixed_body_collision-Patch_(ESPFE).esp OStim Fixed body collision.esp HeartOfDibellaQEAceBonus.esp FageFG as NyxFollower by Xtudo.esp CBBE Ebony Battle Armor.esp Tullius Eyes.esp [COCO]Student Uniform [SE].esp Eyes for CotR by Aehersin.esp Eyes for CotR by Aehersin part2.esp kart_COR_facepaint.esp COR_Brows_Compatibility Patch.esp Even More Brows COtR.esp Even More Brows HPH.esp [ELLE] ZK Rogue.esp COR-faceparts_eye.esp Koralina's COtR Makeup Female.esp Koralina's COTR Details.esp Koralina's COtR Makeup Male.esp IcePenguinWorldMap.esp NoQuestNeeded-DawnguardCrossbows.esp Skyrim Automatic Crossbows.esp kxWhereAreYou.esp Foxy Nightingale_Standalone.esp Nightingale Prime remaster.esp TGGiveGoldToBeggarsPatch.esp TCBM_v4_HonorAmongThieves_Fix.esp Nightingale Forever.esp GLAM Karliah.esp Muffled Footsteps Expansion.esp Sonders_Keyword_Distribution.esp [SB]_BottleOfJoy.esp OStimNPCs.esp mrt_SimpleProstitution.esp OStimFollowerCamping.esp NibblesAnimObjects.esp ksmc_Elmlock.esp ksmc_Elmlock_ColorVariants.esp EnchantedArsenal.esp EnchantDuration.esp Enchanting Freedom - Dragonborn Disenchanting Patch.esp Enchanting Freedom - Summermyst Patch.esp Mystic Enchantress.esp AllEnchantmentsUnlocked.esp PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.esp Eldritch Magic Weapon Enchantments.esp Catwoman.esp (YS) Artoria Pendragon.esp Evelynne Nightfall.esp Bloodstarved Everlynne.esp Obi's SkimpyDemonArmor.esp Nevaf.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp SMSkyrim - Alternate Start + General Patch.esp BBLS-ASLAL.esp Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp Water for ENB - Patch - Rudy ENB.esp Water for ENB - Patch - JKs Ragged Flagon.esp Lux.esp Lux - USSEP patch.esp Water for ENB - Patch - Lux & JKs Ragged Flagon.esp Lux - Brighter Templates.esp Lux - Brighter interior nights.esp Lux - Even Brighter Templates Houses only.esp Sneak Tools LUX Patch.esp ELFXEnhancer.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp thanks for any help anyone can offer.
  25. When saving my game last night, it labelled it " save 1" but when i checked saves by trying to load a game at game start,there are saves labelled 1 to 98 then the save after 98 is labelled 1 instead of 99 ? Anybody seen this before ? Just remembered that i had to reinstall SKSE last night due to an issue, could this be whats caused it and its treating the game since i reinstalled SKSE as a new game so starting the saves at 1 ? As you can see from the savegame folder screenshot, it goes 96,97,98 with the same numbering after, then to save 1 with all 0's after it, any way to fix this ? thanks.
  26. Ok, look, the important part is you need to restore the original mod (Foxgirls) to its initial state. (Before you tried editing its .esp) Basically, you need to get it first to a point there the NPCs are in their original locations and look fine. The important part, you should NOT write to original mod's .esp file from CK.
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