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The modding community for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Tell me, please, where can I get this mod to replace the character ?
  3. I am a Buddhist priest in training and this game is basically my only earthly “vice” or source of secular entertainment at the monastery for the next 2 years. as such, I would be really really grateful if someone could take the Corrupted Monks Nagamaki (the wp_a_0300.dcx file from the “Corrupted Monk” entry from this mod:: https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/353?tab=files ) and edit it’s hitbox length to something around THIS ( https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/302 ) I’ve been wanting to play this game with the corrupted monk’s Nagamaki for the longest, because Nagamaki are my favorite weapon ever invented but get no love in video games or media despite being basically the coolest thing humans have invented since shoes. I even have one IRL but left it with a friend since I couldn’t bring weapons (that big) to the monastery… For this feat I would be willing to compensate the author with 100 recitations of Amida sutra as well as giving them a weeks worth of my merits and karma. Could also donate a few bucks {but this is 100% NOT solicitation or against terms of service, just a “maybe I could possibly donate”, so please don’t take my post down Nexus! I just want a longer sword!} and please don’t tell my Osho!
  4. Essentially, we all know the problem: The camera gets backed into a wall, and suddenly the enemy bacomes impossible to read and predict, you can't see Sekiro and you probably loose target lock. Well, there are a few mods that try to improve / fix this, but I feel like they're all missing the obvious solution that could be tried: literally just having the camera clip through things that are in the way, and preferably have the objects go invisible. Instead, the mods that we have do extra stuff, like changing the camera angle or disabling lock-on entirely (which increases how much camera-wrestling needs to be done, if anything). Also, another way to solve this problem could be to literally just have the camera rotate around wolf and the enemy when it hits an object instead of going up Wolf's ass, that way we could still see what's going on and maybe even get some cool camera angles out of it.
  5. I feel like it would be perfect to have the Armored Knight's suit be wearable in-game... Frankly, I'm surprised I couldn't find a mod that adds this. If someone creates a mod that allows me to wear the Armored Knight's armor with Wolf's prosthetic, that would be f*#@in' awesome! :]
  6. I only wish for the same thing man Tekken 5 character model or Tekken 8 Character model all will be amazing or maybe even Tekken 5 Second outfit with the skeleton mask
  7. Wolf skin: am 9000: arm after Genichiro cutting am 9010: arm before cutting am 9020: arm cutted (for cutscene) bd 9000: body after Genichiro cutting bd 9030: body before cutting bd 9040: body after Mortal Blade lg 9000: legs lg 9050: no purpose, if mod having lg 9050, you can deleting lg 9050 fc 0110: enfeebled head fc 0200: head fc 0000: only mods using Changing Wolf skin to Tengu skin: am 9000 (or am 9010 if you wanting arm no cutted)-> am 9130 bd 9000 -> bd 9130 fc 0200 -> fc 0230 lg 9000 -> lg 9130 fc 0000 -> fc 0000 (no rename needed) Not Wolf skins not having many/more files. That meaning Wolf changing to Wolf skin if NG+ because you cannot using skins before arm cutting.
  8. This may be a dumb question my bad. But how would i go about replacing the files for one of the ingame outfits, like the tengu one, with a modded outfit, like the bloody wolf. I feel like i know i need to find the files associated with the outfit i want to change, and i think i did with tengu by downloading a mod that is a reskin of the outfit. But an outfit mod like blood wolf has multiple files each for body, im assuming for the cape and extra bits. But tengu seemingly only has one file for face, body, arms, and legs. So, what am i missing here lol. Or is this just not something thats possible and you can only have one outfit mod on at a time??
  9. I finish. Use "SUITSEKIRO" files and then replace the lg_m_9000.partsbnd.dcx with my file. The WeTransfer Link will work for 7 days. https://we.tl/t-Hod7gI00jb If link expire and you needing, post comment on my mod pages. I do not receive notifications except from my mod page.
  10. Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu looks badass and would be awesome. If one of you mod gods could make him playable I would be forever grateful.
  11. There is a mod that gives sekiro and genichiro both suits said mod --> (https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/343) - i just want the blue suit that genichiro is wearing to be used for sekiro too, if thats possible
  12. Normally when the character is low on health, the sides and edges of the screen turn red in HD resolutions. But when I set an ultrawide resolution, the red color stays at the middle of the screen as if it were 16x9 aspect ratio and it becomes very distracting. Is it possible to disable this annoying redness effect alltogether?
  13. So, I just downloaded sekiro because it has mods for Momiji (from Ninja Gaiden) Does anyone think they could make me a Momiji voice mod for Sekiro? Failing that, could anyone point me in the right direction to make voice mod replacers myself? Thanks for anything anyone can do!
  14. Does anyone know which parameters regulate taking chip damage from lightning and mortal slash? I am specifically looking to disable it on the Inner Isshin fight. - no damage from catching lightning (must be the regular reversal, not interested sakura dance or mist raven) - no damage when deflecting mortal slash attacks (for regular blocking it needs to stay)
  15. I am new to the field of mods and although it took me time I have learned, but I would like to know what I need to finish this mod, because half of the body acts strangely with lighting and the other half does act as it should. Any way to fix it? https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/images/505
  16. The is some who might do that but he will charge probably $100 for it, he did merge my mods with LMTSR.
  17. This video is good. I did moddeg my own OST to certain bosses with epic ones.
  18. As the title says. I want to know if theres somebody who can make this mechanic happen, il pay for this. The mechanic would be, when wolf does a Mikiri COunter it cost Spirit Emblems, so if he dosent have SE he cant mikiri counter. And when he deflect Mikiri atacks he can gain Spirit Emblems, só it would not be easy to counter mikiri all the time, forcing the player to deflect a mikiri instead counter, depending on the situation. Someone said to me to make that happen you'd have to write a new event code to remove the skill when you don't have the emblems to use it and to give you it when you have enough you'd also have to disable skill pop ups.
  19. Hi. I don't understand anything about modding at all, but is it really possible to combine Elden Arts and Sekiro Resurrection? This are two global mods, but Elden Arts has a dark version of sakura dance, which I really like, and I haven't found any analogues, but I'm tired of the vanilla version sekiro, so I would like to play Sekiro Resurrection.
  20. I went to this website, and I believe that you ha ve a plenty of excellent information, I have saved your site to my bookmarks. pgslot249
  21. So i was searching some mods for sekiro and i found a mod including a honkai impact 3rd character in a bilibili video. But i can't find any information about that mod, only that gameplay in bilibili. Does somebody know any information about this that could help me find the mod or the creator? The same as in other video but with genshin characters. https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2047606020?bstar_from=bstar-web.homepage.recommend.all https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2043700386
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