Summer 2024 DLC Speculation

I have absolutely no interest in theme parks, but I love watching Planet Coaster videos.
So I decide now to NOT get it, watch PC Content religiously, then buy the game very over excited, then don't play it more than 2 hours ever 🫠
Happens to the best of us.
I like themeparks (I looooove riding coasters) but my passion on them compared to zoos is genuinely none lmao, I like pretty themeing tho
I’m a big theme park nerd and liked the first game so I’m definitely getting it. My interest in them is nowhere near as big as my love for zoos though (a little over 100 hours with about half the DLCs in PC vs 1000+ in PZ with all of them, I would've bought PZ and all of its DLCs regardless of whether I played Coaster before lol) so I’ll still be playing PZ religiously whether it ends soon or not.

Roller coasters are cool and all but PZ has a kiwi and that’s pretty epic.
I would like a bird area with fowl, swan and other waterfowl. No need for a whole Busch Garden expansion, but a bird dlc with avian themed rides with Swans, Fowl and Ducks would be awesome, it wont be as laggy as this is not on a 7 year old system.
Eh not really, I tried PC once it came on Mac and it was alright, I got bored after a week. I’ll have to see what changes they make in a sequel, and I know it would be a popular game to play on the channel, but if I’m not actually enjoying the game I would rather just stick with PZ.
To be honest one big change I would like to see is improved building for indoor spaces it may be difficult but I love watching my gf build in the sims.

I think that way it can add a whole new dimension for building for people to work on, adding more ways of building:
  1. Basic roller coaster design
  2. Basic architecture for outdoor building
  3. Planting and gardening
  4. Building shops indoors and outdoors
  5. Making dark rides, which heavily rely on indoor building.
No... but what happens in PlanCo2 will likely have an effect on PlanZoo2, so I'm interested in hearing about it.
All I know is that PlanZoo 2 will have flying birds, but the thing with PlanZoo 2 is, will they make us pay for the DLC's again with "better" quality and more animals, will they do a system where all dlc animals are in the base game.
All I know is that I wont be too happy spending 200+ dollars on Planet Zoo just for all the animals to be included to Base game. I wonder what they will do.
Is anyone planning on getting planet coaster 2?
I'm not really a theme park person, but depending on the features and building pieces available? I might buy it on sale after some DLC have released just to mess around and build things that aren't theme parks. But I definitely won't buy it at full price.
i wonder how planet zoo will do a planet zoo 2 system, will they just make us buy the animals again or will they include it in base game.
dont feel dropping 200+ dollars again for the same animals in another game
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Is anyone planning on getting planet coaster 2?
Nope, though I've enjoyed Planet Coaster, I'm not in the need for another Theme Park Simulator. I suspect there will be water rides which was one of the big requests for the original game, and I'm just not into all that enough.
If I remember right, the main speculation for PC2 was a focus on water rides, with water generally quoted as the main weakpoint of the first, so it'll be interesting to see where they've gone with it.

I think there was also mention of a Disney partnership, so maybe some park blueprints there (they did make Disneyland Adventures in 2011, so it's not a huge surprise).
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