Queue time

Hello everyone,

Is anyone else experiencing very long queue times for uploading TMTK items?
I want to test a model I made but it has been in queue for almost 8 hours now,
I'm not sure if it is even going to finish at all.
It's happened before to me as well, but then I ended up just closing everything and uploading it again. Ended up with two versions but just deleted one and all was fine after that...
It's happened before to me as well, but then I ended up just closing everything and uploading it again. Ended up with two versions but just deleted one and all was fine after that...
Thank you for the reply, it eventually got past the queue and I was able to download it but it took a very long time. Tried another TMTK item today and it took about 4 hours this time. Still very long but oh well.. Let's just hope I created the item perfectly on the first try lol

EDIT: It seems like my items are now "building" after about 30 minutes, so that is perfectly fine for me
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I'm usually not one for rants, but I'm really wondering what TMTK is doing internally for the Queue to take this long. I'm currently in queue for 90 minutes for a zip-file that just contains a model with 1k triangles and an icon file. I can hardly imagine there still being so many uploads to TMTK that the Queue time could be justified. I mean, how much processing power can it take to convert a model to Planet Coasters .pcugc format?

EDIT: Created a support ticket concerning the long queue times, but despite some back and forth between me and the support, I only received a generic answer in the end. My longest queue so far was 22hours until "Complete" status.
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My queue time really seems to differ each day, yesterday my uploaded items would be finished within 20 minutes, today it is taking ages once again.. It sucks if you just want to test stuff you have built. You have to wait for hours for then to see your model not working properly. I think there is some kind of problem with Frontier's servers or something
I'm experiencing it too. 12 hours and counting of "in queue" on my first item. If I had to guess I'd say that either planet zoo is using the servers up, or they are hoping to let tmtk die. Figures, I got Planco when it came out then got laid up by an illness for the last few years, now I want to finally try tmtk and they are letting it run down now before I even get to try.
I guess the best we can do is all file a ticket and see if that sufficiently annoys them, however I have low hopes (mine was just disregarded saying it of course takes longer if I uploaded multiple items, ignoring the fact that my very first upload was already queuing for longer than 10 hours). I mean maybe someone is indeed processing large quantities of items, but even then the Queue shouldn't be 100 times slower than just after TMTKs launch.
Well, I filed a ticket as of yesterday, so there's one ticket. Of course my ticket is being completely ignored...

I guarantee some corporate person decided that the bandwidth had better uses than sitting idle waiting for someone to upload objects for a 6 year old game.
I guess the best we can do is all file a ticket and see if that sufficiently annoys them, however I have low hopes (mine was just disregarded saying it of course takes longer if I uploaded multiple items, ignoring the fact that my very first upload was already queuing for longer than 10 hours). I mean maybe someone is indeed processing large quantities of items, but even then the Queue shouldn't be 100 times slower than just after TMTKs launch.
I completely agree, I can't imagine that 6 years after launch people are still massively uploading TMTK items if that even ever happened in the first place. I will too file a ticket and lets hope they will do something about it but I don't think they care enough to fix the issue

And I completely messed up the animations in the TMTK item I built yesterday. But I didn't find out until today when I tried to use it in PlanCo since it was finally done uploading (took atleast 12 hours this time). So here we go again, the item is back in the queue, I hope I did it right this time but I guess we'll see tomorrow lol
The long queue times seem to have returned...14 hours is ridiculous, and that's on my second try. Seems like Frontier has just walked away from the TMTK feature...
I would not go that far guys. If you want to see what is going on just go into the "work shop" and change your filter settings to tmtk, last 3 months, Most resent and see what has been uploaded to the workshop. look for creators with multiple items. See what day there stuff was summited and what time. A few people have been making 100s of stupid ride signs and posters all 5mbs each or more. People who do that generally enjoy uploading that stuff same day. So simply put you just have to wait for that 1 guy or those select few people to finish spamming the tmtk server ques with there crap ;) LOL
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