Mysterious Pictograms at Guardian Beacons - a basic investigation and call for wider help.

In the past I have been a gumshoe reporter for the Sagittarius Eye magazine (SagEye, 2019) with articles spanning five issues (15-20) and Imperial research fellow at the Imperial Institute for Alien Science. In my time with the institute, I conducted considerable research into Guardian planet-based locations (ELITE FORUM, 2018); discovering never seen before pictograms at these guardian sites which potentially depicted an image of a Thargoids, Constructs and Guardians.

Around a year ago I was commissioned to map out an area of restricted space to determine the border of locked systems. After completing the mission I decided to visit a guardian beacon for some well earned R&R that was located not far from my position. Being close to a beacon I reasoned it was time to take a closer look; something I had not undertaken before; my only real interaction with a beacon was activation by laser weapon to watch the magnificent beast shine, purr and spin as I am sure most of the galaxy’s Commanders have done. What I uncovered I now bring to the wider community’s attention. Did I uncover something new, maybe? Did I uncover something that has not been reported on before; definitely. Whilst at the beacon I noticed some strange movement on different parts of the beacon's surface. At first glance it could be described as looking like flowing water with the width of a thin stream. But, on closer inspection of the 'stream' I realised that it was not flowing water but was clearly a scrolling pattern that had a start point and stop point and which repeated itself when it reached its conclusion. I came to call these repeating patterns the 'X-streams'. To my surprise the data did not stop with this single stream. To date I have recorded six different unique patterns or rather 'pictograms' which are located at different areas across the whole of the guardian beacons surface's (IMAGE 1: see appendix for all images). Each beacon shows the same pictograms at the same positions across every beacon. For context; a pictogram is a graphical symbol that conveys its meaning through its visual resemblance to a physical object. It was at this point that I decided that I had stumbled onto something that was important enough for the Guardians to include it on every one of their Beacons. The question that crossed my mind was; has anyone else conducted research and documented what I had discovered? Searches conducted through familiar avenues of investigation yielded null results; had I stumbled into undiscovered country?

The process of documentation was problematic; it was difficult to find a point on the beacon which was wide enough to view an X-stream; over 90% of each streams surface is blocked by the beacon's architrave and this left a very small area in which to view each of the six streams. The second issue was the actual recording of each stream. As described above; there are very few positions to view the stream without it being blocked and this viewpoint was also very small (IMAGE 2). This resulted in numerous small, slim images being stacked on top of one another which when complete formed the whole stream (IMAGE 3). After documentation of all X-streams had been completed I processed them through different filters. I did this as different spectrums reveal different details which may not have been visible in a previous spectrum. Using illustration software I converted each of the X-stream's through different filters: black and white, colour saturation, hue/saturation and inverted colour schemes (IMAGE 4). It is also important to identify that the pictograms resolution was very poor quality; seeming to have a resolution of between 8bit to 16 bit. In order to improve upon this low resolution, I employed a.i upscaling in an attempt to improve and recover any blurred information that was not present in the original 16-bit resolution. Unfortunately the 8-bit image did not improve in quality when processed through up-scaling. Furthermore; most importantly I noticed that the X-streams can be viewed in different light conditions which create different versions of the same stream. These conditions were; in sunlight, in darkness and with the beacon activation. This potentially yielded up to three unique versions per single X-stream (IMAGE 4).

The next task was deciding how to display multiple images of the same thing so that it can be understood and efficiently referenced and that this display does not hinder collective interpretation efforts between different groups of researchers who may find themselves in different planetary systems in different parts of the local galaxy. I decided the best way to approach this was to place the different versions adjacent to each other which included a numerical line count so that when different people are viewing the same image they have a way of identifying specific points of interest much like the numerical labelling of axises on a graph (IMAGE 5A & 5B). Once this task was completed for each X-stream, I moved into identification of different parts of an X-stream and so in order to do this I segmented a single X-stream in its different parts as it was possible to demonstrate borders within an X-stream (IMAGE 6). This was done in order to make an analysis of individual sections rather than the whole X-stream.

And this brings me to where I find myself now, over-encumbered and with staggering amounts of data. I am not in a position with the time I can give the X-streams nor the expertise in being able to understand or translate what they truly mean so that they can be properly understood. All I can offer is my opinion which is never enough. This day marks the day of the release of the first X-stream as well as my attempted analysis of its content. Over the next few weeks I will release the other X-streams. I have decided on a slow release in order to give Commanders the time to analyse and peer review the work I have completed to date. My personal analysis only covers one of the X-stream's and I fully admit that my analysis of the pictograms is spurious at best. How does one analyse a pictogram when there is no baseline for what the pictogram represents? I did not have a Rosetta stone that allowed for clear interpretation but I did have one powerful asset at my disposal: Chat GPT. I used chat GPT to give me the 'Rosetta stone' in that it allowed me to define how to represent an alien, a construct and guardian being pictographically. The conversation was enlightening and provided the baseline that I required in order to attempt to begin to decode their meaning and I included the dialogue for reference (GPT, 2023).

It has been my intention to release this data for a long time now but real life events have always taking priority and it is just now where I find myself with time on my hands that I can now bring this to the attention of the wider community. It is my hope that the old saying holds true: "many heads are better than one" in order to properly understand what the hell these pictograms mean because I can only throw guesses into the air with the hope that I am slightly on target when I actually have no idea what I am looking at let alone understand.

Finally; if a Commander wants full access to my research and can not wait until the next release please drop me a message and I will provide you with everything I have.

Cmdr G-Dubya


Chat GPT, (2023), [available at]:

Elite Forum, (2018), [available at]:

Elite Forum, (2018), [available at]:

Sagittarius Eye, (2019), Issues 15 - 20, [available at]:









  • IMAGE 1A Guardian LARGE FIN.jpg
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Sagittarius Eye, (2019), Issues 15 - 20, [available at]:

Downloads are seemingly not available for issues 24 and before (including 15-20 which you reference). For example the download link for #20 ( 3305.pdf ) says:

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

I'm not suggesting this is your error! But it would be great if you know of valid urls for the missing issues, or can nudge the magazine's site into fixing their urls - the magazine looks really well produced and worth a download.
Downloads are seemingly not available for issues 24 and before (including 15-20 which you reference). For example the download link for #20 ( 3305.pdf ) says:

I'm not suggesting this is your error! But it would be great if you know of valid urls for the missing issues, or can nudge the magazine's site into fixing their urls - the magazine looks really well produced and worth a download.
Hello, Yes I have just realised this problem as well. not sure what to do, unfortunately I do not seem to have any saved on my disk but I will search and get back to you.
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