Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

NoiLover NoiLover 16 August 2022

Um hi

UUmmmm... hi You can call me "Kit"

I love to sketch and draw anime- like people.

I don't have a life other than watching Fairy Tail, watching Fairy Tail reacts on Youtube, and Monster School reacts to (stuff like Zombie Rap, Skeleton Rap, and more).

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JEA16 JEA16 13 April 2021

Favorite 🪄 magic

1.Arkhsermam Black magic.

2. Neromacy

3. Immortality

4. Time magic in real life


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CNBA3 CNBA3 12 September 2020

Magic Power Question

This is a quick Question, was it ever mentioned anywhere in the series that a wizard can suppress their own magic power on their own without the use of magic sealing stone?

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CNBA3 CNBA3 11 May 2020

Tartaros Arc Anime Information?

I am making this because I can’t seem to find where the information was where there were some anime exclusive content from the Tartaros Arc that Hiro wanted to add to the manga but was cut including the Laxus Dreyar vs. Tempester fight and a few other things, can someone please provide a link as to where this information can be found?

Thank you.

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GreatMan28 GreatMan28 3 May 2020

Editing Issues

I understand, thanks for informing me on what I did, I’ll continue to improve and do my best. Thanks again

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CNBA3 CNBA3 8 April 2020

Black Magic = Black Arts & White Magic = White Arts

This blog is about the pages Black Arts, Black Magic, White Arts and White Magic, and from what I have read and what has been said is that there are no real difference between the two.

Even when looking at the definition, Black Arts and Black Magic by definition are not really different from one another, just magic that are used for negative purpose, The only difference is that Black Arts is the sum of all Black Magic

Even in the raws for what Zeref was described to have mastered the Black Arts, when doing a bit of a rough translation, you get Black Magic most of the time.

Even when Invel was talking about the origins of Black Magic, he says that it is the basis of Zeref's powers.

Even when Mavis said that Zeref's curse is Anksheram's Black Ma…

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CNBA3 CNBA3 8 April 2020

Zeref Mastering All Black Magic?

On Zeref Dragneel’s Profile page, it said that he master all forms of Black Magic, I am just wondering if that is true, and if so, where is that information located? I know in the official translation it said he mastered the black arts, but not much else to it.

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DanganronpaRein DanganronpaRein 15 February 2020

Just A Intro

Hello! I'm Rein! You will mainly see me on the discussion page, and I hope we can all get along, and hey, I might even make some friends while I'm at it! Again, have a great day fellow Guild Members!

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CNBA3 CNBA3 5 October 2019

Magnolia question

I have had questions about some piece of information that is on the pages for magnolia and the fairytale guild hall. It says they’re on the central path it is about 45 km long, where exactly does it say that? Because The reference there only points to a cover page with no information

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CNBA3 CNBA3 26 September 2019

Raw Scans Request

Hey, I was hoping if there is anyone here that knows where I can get the scans for the Japanese translation for any of the FT chapters or raws, that would be really appreciated, it is for my Wikia.

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Maureen.sciannella Maureen.sciannella 21 August 2019

How old are the Spriggin 12 members?

Hey so how how old do you think the members of the Spriggin 12 are I know Brandish is hinted to be around Lucy's age and Larcade and Irene are over 400. August is a year younger than Makorav but what about the others?

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DeathGr DeathGr 10 August 2019

Territory question

Territory Question

I have a question about Minerva's [Territory]. In the page it is said it can control the properties of a space. What are said properties of a space? Can she control (even in theory) things such as shape, form, temperature, density, weight and mass?

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Godofwar99 Godofwar99 7 August 2019


The 100 year quest has taken a turn for the better. After nearly a year, the first dragon is "sealed" and now four remain. However, now there's Touka/White Mage to worry about as she has enslaved Fairy Tail, plus Jellal, and the fifth dragon slayers are also on the watch list. There's still a bunch to wonder about, so many unanswered questions.

Why does Touka have a tail and knows of Briar?

Who exactly is the White Mage? Alternate personality or another individual?

Why does the first guild master want the good dragons sealed?

If Brandish appeared, will anyone else from Alvarez or other guilds appear?

What is Touka's true backstory?

(Personal. I'm not trying to be rude.) And why hasn't the profiles on several characters haven't been updated???


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Godofwar99 Godofwar99 30 June 2019

100 year quest

So the 100 year quest has been out for nearly a year now. New chapters are coming in slowly, new characters are being introduced and, hear me out, NEW INFORMATION AND PLOT ARE BEING REVEALED. So....why is it so hard to update the arc? I'm trying to pull my weight and update characters involved in the spinoff. For crying out loud, Erza was made into a female dragon slayer's pet and when looking at the synopsis for the arc....THERE'S NOTHING!!

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LucyLuce16 LucyLuce16 9 March 2019


LucyLuce16 (talk) 20:12, March 9, 2019 (UTC)

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Glen Gable Glen Gable 7 March 2019

Fairy Tail using unlogical reveals

I read the recent chapter (because I also want to see the episode, where Irene makes her debut and meanwhile need something to do in-between). And so I noticed clearly, that the new reveal is way too contradicting. The five dragons are born humans, yet one is Igneel's biological son. It really doesn't make sense. Fairy Tail is literally screwing our mind with new chapters or reveals. Or whenever a chapter ends.

Another is the Post-Credits-scene of Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry. It has Zeref with his new outfit, that he doesn't get until the battle with Natsu and Zeref didn't return until the rescue mission. And the series relies on asspulls, that are never foreshadowed and come out of nowhere.

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Glen Gable Glen Gable 6 March 2019

Upcoming remaining of the second part of the final season

Spoilers for anime-only watchers.

Episode 302 - Gajeel vs. Bloodman starts. (485-487)

Episode 303 - Bloodman's death, Gajeel's near-death scene, Irene vs. Acnologia and Universe One. (488-490)

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PixelFox666 PixelFox666 5 February 2019

How often are dubbed episodes released?

How often are the dubbed episodes of the final season released? The last episode on the site i used was Fairy Heart so i was also wondering if another dubbed episode had come out after that

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Glen Gable Glen Gable 4 February 2019

Who might appear as a Liberium member

I have some ideas:

What about the remaining Grimoire Heart members?

- Hades: Killed.

- Bluenote: Member of Orochi's Fin.

- Ultear: In hiding after her sacrifice.

- Rustyrose: Seeking to revive his former DG.

- Meredy: Redeemed.

- Azuma: Dead and turned into a tree.

- Kain Hikaru: Unknown.

- Zoldeo: Died.

- Zancrow: Killed.

- Yomazu & Kawazu: Unknown.

With Yomazu & Kawazu as too minor as characters, I think Kain Hikaru became a member of them. This would be a good plot twist and the final reveal, where the major members of Grimoire Heart went after the BA's disbanding.

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Glen Gable Glen Gable 1 February 2019

About a half of Alvarez introduced

Who do we know in the anime?

- God Serena, Marin Hollow, Brandish, Invel, Dimaria, Ajeel, August, Wallbot, Bakel, Kareem, Wall.

Who comes right after? (Speaking debut-wise)

- Jacob, Neinhart, Irene, Juliet, Heine, Bloodman, Larcade.

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Zeiahmar7 Zeiahmar7 15 November 2018

please help

umm.....guys I'm old to fairytail but until now i haven't see the zero episode 284 until now and I know that any of you can help me here pls.....

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LegerPrime LegerPrime 12 November 2018

Series 3 and the 100 Year Quest

Greetings, everyone! First of all, I apologies sincerely for my long absence from the Wiki. Reasons being, we'll get to that. Second, SPOILER ALERT! If you either are anime-only, not caught up in the manga, or haven't seen Dragon Cry, I advise you to cease reading this instant.

Well, Series 3 is finally here. I'd call it "season 3" but the way Funimation split them up makes it difficult. Any who, it's here. Took a little longer than I thought (2 years since series 2, then again having a feature film released in between is understandable; Mashima and the animators have a huge workload as it is), but "destiny arrives all the same, and now it's here. Or should I say," Zeref is ;)? First of all, I'm sad the animation hasn't changed. I, along wi…

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Sasa draagneel Sasa draagneel 26 September 2018

My Blog/Info(pls DONT ASK ME WHO I REALLY AM!;-;)

[[File:Sasa_Dragneel_School_Uniform_and_Stage_Uniform.jpg|thumb|My Stage Coord and School Uniform Hope you Like itYume-Kawo! >W

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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 3 October 2018

When comes the first trailer of Avatar/Alvarez arcs out?

I know, we got the teaser, but just about a month remains, until it comes out.

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Vtvivek57 Vtvivek57 3 April 2019

My favourite Top 10 Manga list

MY favourite top 10 manga list for all of you to read

1. Assassination classroom

The journey of an assassin to becoming an teacher .How he shows you can finds the best hidden inside an student even without the old boring schooling system which only burdens a child mind not develop it. One of the best anime and manga of all time having the best all time story and the sequel the twist everything about this manga makes it number one its a must read if you love manga and animes.

2. One piece

Now who doesn't know about one piece when you are speaking about manga, more than 350million copys sold worldwide the one of the best story ever, living the life of a pirate who can not swim in water and a hell lot amount of power like- haki ,devil fruits and …

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Ltmaroon57 Ltmaroon57 8 August 2018

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, Chapter 4 Review

So, this will be my first time writing a blog on this wiki. HYPE! I'll try to keep it short.

So far, I'm enjoying this sequel. We seem to be returning to the roots of what made us like Fairy tail, which was how lighthearted everything was, even in serious situations. Something that was lost in the later part of the series. I very much enjoyed this chapter, aside from the part where the fish stripped Lucy's swimsuit. I know Lucy's always been a comedic, fanservice character, but this got old a long time ago. But I highly enjoyed getting to see all of them having fun, swimming around underwater. It Reminded me so much of the first half of Fairy tail. Also, like that this chapter leaves some suspense. What exactly is Touka, and how does sh…

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Real Godisme Real Godisme 1 August 2018

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 3

And we're back... again. I know the chapter came out yesterday but I was lazy and didn't feel like writing a blog. So here I am now.

So is it me, or does it seem like this author really likes hiking Wendy's skirt up? Seems like ever chapter so far there has been at least one shot of Wendy leaning over or something and her skirt is riding up. Now while Tristan would be loving this, me, not so much.

The beginning with them eating/being attacked by those creatures was actually pretty funny and felt like old school FT. The problem then is the rest of the chapter is just... meh. If this dude is so powerful that he can grant any one desire, how was he not able to defeat these dragons himself? Also, why does Natsu get all the credit for defeating A…

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what do you think the elments of the dragon gods are

So I was thinking to myself what the god dragons elements could be.

At first I saw about seven dragons and apparently a lot of people think there are six dragons shown here. The round thing with a dragon head on the left is not a dragon. If you look carefully it is coming out of the horned dragons mouth. Also I think that the elements of the dragons are the ones we have seen from god Serena. August says that god Serena was given his power by the five god dragons. The types of magic we have seen from god Serena are cavern dragon slayer, purgatory dragon slayer, sea king dragon slayer and gale dragon slayer. From right to left the four dragons seen match these elements. The dragon on the right is wingless and has a rocky uneven back so I ass…

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Real Godisme Real Godisme 26 July 2018

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 2

Another day, another chapter. So lets get things straight. The 100 years quest is to find the Five "God" Dragons and defeat them. These 5 god dragons happen to all be as powerful as Acnologia, the original dragon slayer and the guy who was obsessed with killing every single other dragon. They just so happened to not be hunted and killed by the guy who was traveling around killing every dragon. Also, this Magia Dragon guild master guy who is a dragon slayer and can transform into a dragon was apparently unable to defeat these dragons so he is clearly weaker than them and yet somehow, he also was not killed by the guy hunting all dragons and dragon slayers. Yeah, really well thought out so far...

Can I also point out the ridiculousness of a "…

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Real Godisme Real Godisme 25 July 2018

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 1

Aaaaaand We're back. Been a while since I did an FT blog cause the series bored me to death near the end and I didn't want to ever come here. But now we're back with a new series and well... the first chapter isn't too promising.

We start with a bunch of newbies joining the guild and one just wants to be the guild master and Laxus scares him away, which in turn scares another away. Then we have some chick who is in love with Natsu cause apparently he rode in on a stallion or a dragon or something and saved her life. Idk, but she's obviously crazy. I did enjoy the transition here though with them pointing out that this girl is very similar to Juvia with Juvia then saying Gray left her by herself as we then find out what Natsu and co are up t…

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NoNickNeeded NoNickNeeded 20 June 2018


I know it's OT on this wiki, but from past conversations I know that there are (or at least used to be) many here who loved that manga too.

NORAGAMI IT IS BACK! After a year-long hiatus the mangaka has recovered and it's continuing again. :D

Let's celebrate! \(^.^)/

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IamJakuhoRaikoben IamJakuhoRaikoben 2 June 2018


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Arieslamb Arieslamb 1 June 2018


Hey..... Listen if you wanna know I am a celestial spirit I am the Golden Ram This is me (MY SENPAI IS ISSAC'S LOST ISSAC) This is my leader he is a great guy and even told us to do the eclipse which is great because we had freedom.... i look different now and dont apologize alot anymore i use my chains for happy and fishing i used a punching bag for my ram practicing and im an expert in hand-to-hand combat!

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Mira Cat Mira Cat 1 June 2018

my day at the guild.

hey guys! today was good. some weird stuff happened with Lucy's celestial spirits.... but thats ok!

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Batman5295 Batman5295 14 May 2018

Dragon King Slayer Magic

Hey. So, I was one of those people who was disappointed in Acnologia's character design. I felt his character was poorly developed with not a lot of details. For example, I feel like his type of Dragon Slayer Magic should at least be labeled. I was thinking "Dragon King Slayer Magic". What do you guys think?

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GreedAvaricious67 GreedAvaricious67 6 May 2018

Incomplete Chapter pages?

So sorry if the formatting of this blog seems a bit off, it's my first time making one. I've noticed that even though the manga has ended, chapters 540-545 yet to have detailed summaries and information, making them look like glorified templates when you view the pages. I've viewed them from different browsers to make sure it's not a cache issue, it just looks weird that they haven't been edited since September of 2017. Is there a reason they haven't been updated? It can't be because the volume isn't out yet, because that was released in January of 2018.

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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 18 April 2018

Fairy Tail on Anime Planet


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Astage Astage 13 April 2018

Fairy tail

Fairy tail is a really good anime but if you ship anyone from fairy tail like i ship nalu which is Natsu and Lucy .

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Fairy Family 3 Fairy Family 3 23 March 2018

Fairy Tail talk

Ok I am a little bit behind but in Fairy Tail but I want to talk about the very being of Fairy Tail. Like how the charm broke off of Lucy but not everyone else. Am I right or am I right?! The reason the charm broke off of Lucy is because of Natsu, and the spell only breaks when the person under the spell sees someone they like. So I am seeing NaLu here! Lol. Well TTYL.

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Ahya07 Ahya07 12 March 2018

Lightning dragon slayer vs fire dragon slayer

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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 3 February 2018

What to change in the Alvarez arc to make it better:

Closed. (I don't like this handling btw., I am just telling how "decent writing" would look alike)

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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 3 February 2018

What the Alvarez arc could have done better:

I will not change, what the Alvarez arc had, I will just add some additions, that could make the arc more reasonable:

- Showing how they stopped Marin from killing Brandish. (Like Cana using a wine bottle to knock Marin out.)

- God Serena, August and Jacob showing their powers off by stomping Bosco's forces. God Serena would use "Gale Dragon's Large Tornadoes" or something (and show off the other four DS magics) and also a little more of his personality. Then he stomps the other Gods of Ishgar by showing off his remaining three powers and is stopped by his comrades. He then proceeds to go to the Fairy Tail guild hall, but is confronted and killed by Acnologia.

- Mirajane bringing the "Juliet" and "Heine" swords to the council to never be used…

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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 3 February 2018

Fairy Tail Alvarez arc Recap

Closed. Request is done already. Thank you for the troper.

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Ncduru Ncduru 10 January 2018


Check out the new discussions tab for topics on FT and the upcoming final anime season. If you're an anonymous user create an account through Fandom and join the conversation by creating your own topics and theories and for what to expect.

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Madalenal Madalenal 19 December 2017

Fairy tail

Why you bloke the pictures from fairy tail Dragon cry?

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Lawlietlight06 Lawlietlight06 18 December 2017


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CaptainFlowerss CaptainFlowerss 12 November 2017

Admins & Activity?

I am writing this blog so I can get some answers. None of the two admins are active (because from what I saw), a few message has not been responded, and seems like ALL current admins are actually inactive! Meaning, that there is NO working admin (or content admin, because I think I sent a message to one). I asked the admins a question on the background, and how to have it like that on the Infinite Stratos fanon, but had yet to respond. If anyone knows how to have the background picture be the ENTIRE background (and not tiles with multiple picture of the same thing), please tell me! No one wont help me, and I am IN NEED of some help!

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UltraExcalibur14 UltraExcalibur14 24 October 2017

Hello everyone ^w^

Sorry I haven't been active that much... I just wanna say I've finished 20 episodes :p

One thing tho...


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Reyder Dister Reyder Dister 20 October 2017

Future matters

Everything that's left is, that Fairy Tail gets the anime adaptation to the end and the volume 63 afterwords.

What will happen:

- Final afterwords regarding the end.

- The Spriggan 12 get their power list (like Tartaros).

- Trailer with Avatar and the snake guy VAs announced.

- Trailer with God Serena, Brandish, Marin, Invel, Dimaria, Ajeel, August, and Wallbot VAs announced. (Two were already said and their characters made a debut in the 2nd movie.)

- Trailer with Wall, Jacob, Neinhart, Irene, Juliet, Heine, Bloodman, Larcade, and Anna VAs announced.

- Making a break between chapter 493 and 494, or 453 and 454.

Well, that's it. What do you wish to happen in the anime?

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Demonking200209 Demonking200209 18 October 2017

Something I made

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsfFy1gCdxk Please watch it . I know I'm being a major ass by posting something like this , here , but as I said I'm a major ass

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