
Companion App Updated (Feb. 6)

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Companion app was updated at the time below.

[Date & Time]
Feb. 6, 2024 2:00 (GMT)
Feb. 6, 2024 13:00 (AEDT)

[Affected Service]

・iOS Version: 1.21.2
・Android Version: N/A

[Update Details]
■You can now edit how character information is displayed on the Tomestone Tracker widget. (iOS version only)
Just long-tap "Edit Widget" to change settings.

*For those using iOS17 or later, after updating the app, newly placing the widget will allow editing to become possible.

We are planning to upgrade the app to support iOS15 and above with the next version update. If you are using iOS14, please consider upgrading your iOS. (iOS version only)

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