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Visuo-haptic learning of the inner ear: using the optical glyphs and augmented reality of the InvisibleEar©™

The anatomy of the inner ear is small and intricate. It is a complex area to describe with traditional teaching tools such as prosections and illustrations. The InvisibleEar mobile application (app) designed for teaching, uses a handheld mobile tablet ...

Cloudsweeper and data-centric security

Most security online is binary, where being authorized to access a system allows complete access to the requested resource. This binary system amplifies the harm of giving access to an unauthorized individual and motivates system designers to strengthen ...

Facilitative and rememberative: novel incentive structures for increased exercise in interactive media

The traditional approaches to encourage gamers to exercise have been two-fold: incorporating in-game incentives and designing games that are based on exercise. We discuss the drawbacks of these approaches and introduce two new design constructs: ...

Our responsibility to manage evaluative diversity

The ecosystem approach to computer system development is similar to management of biodiversity. Instead of modeling machines after a successful individual, it models machines after successful teams. It includes measuring the evaluative diversity of ...

Ethics in context: a scandal in academia

The delivery of ethical instruction within formal educational contexts is a task that is fraught with difficulties. Real world situations and examples of misconduct abound, but sourcing sufficient material within the constraints associated with ...

Using computer technology to address the problem of cyberbullying

The issue of cyberbullying is a social concern that has arisen due to the prevalent use of computer technology today. In this paper, we present a multi-faceted solution to mitigate the effects of cyberbullying, one that uses computer technology in order ...

