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PaSca: A Graph Neural Architecture Search System under the Scalable Paradigm

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various graph-based tasks. However, as mainstream GNNs are designed based on the neural message passing mechanism, they do not scale well to data size and message passing steps. Although there has been an emerging interest in the design of scalable GNNs, current researches focus on specific GNN design, rather than the general design space, limiting the discovery of potential scalable GNN models. This paper proposes PaSca, a new paradigm and system that offers a principled approach to systemically construct and explore the design space for scalable GNNs, rather than studying individual designs. Through deconstructing the message passing mechanism, PaSca presents a novel Scalable Graph Neural Architecture Paradigm (SGAP), together with a general architecture design space consisting of 150k different designs. Following the paradigm, we implement an auto-search engine that can automatically search well-performing and scalable GNN architectures to balance the trade-off between multiple criteria (e.g., accuracy and efficiency) via multi-objective optimization. Empirical studies on ten benchmark datasets demonstrate that the representative instances (i.e., PaSca-V1, V2, and V3) discovered by our system achieve consistent performance among competitive baselines. Concretely, PaSca-V3 outperforms the state-of-the-art GNN method JK-Net by 0.4% in terms of predictive accuracy on our large industry dataset while achieving up to 28.3 × training speedups.


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