
GeoViz was inspired by the limitations in conventional architectural visualization tools. We aimed to redefine how architects collaborate and visualize designs by merging augmented reality (AR) with real-time collaborative modeling. Our vision was to offer a tool that bridges the gap between static representations and immersive experiences.

What it does

GeoViz revolutionizes architectural design by enabling collaborative modeling in augmented reality. It leverages Google's Geospatial Creator and photorealistic 3D tiles, allowing users to create, modify, and visualize architectural designs in their intended context. The platform facilitates real-time collaboration, letting multiple users contribute to designs and view them in AR on location.

How we built it

Our journey began with the experience gained from winning Google Maps' with Maps hackathon. Leveraging this, we utilized Google's Geospatial Creator and focused on creating realistic 3D models. We developed intuitive tools for floor plans, walls, furniture, and more, ensuring ease of use for collaborators. The project heavily relied on AR technologies for on-site visualization through a mobile app.

Challenges we ran into

Balancing realism in architectural design while ensuring real-time collaboration in AR was a significant challenge. Achieving spatial accuracy, maintaining detail, and synchronizing changes among multiple users posed technical hurdles. Integrating AR visualization seamlessly with mobile devices for on-site experiences presented complexities.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Developing GeoViz as a robust tool for collaborative AR modeling is a significant accomplishment. Overcoming technical challenges to create a platform that empowers architects to visualize designs in their intended context in real-time is a source of pride for our team.

What we learned

The development of GeoViz taught us the intricacies of AR technologies, geospatial placement, and real-time synchronization. We gained insights into user interactions in AR spaces and learned to navigate complexities in merging realism with interactivity.

What's next for GeoViz

The future for GeoViz holds endless possibilities. We aim to enhance collaboration features, expand asset libraries, and integrate advanced AI for design assistance. Additionally, we plan to explore applications beyond architecture, such as event planning and solar panel placement, maximizing GeoViz's potential.

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