Custom storage

If you use custom storage, you have access to:

Interaction flow

You can use the login widget or your application, that uses Login API calls, as a client. The interaction flow between the client and the Xsolla Login server is the following:

  1. The client sends requests to the Xsolla Login server. The requests format is described in JWT and Password endpoints.
  2. The Xsolla Login server sends requests to your server. Follow the instruction to validate the requests.
  3. The Xsolla Login server processes a response from your server and returns the result to the client.
  4. The client processes the response.

As a response to a server request, you can get information about the user in the form of a structure:

stringDefinition of user’s access level to service attributes:
  • client — A user-editable attribute. The values for this type of attribute are entered by a user or specified according to the in-game logics on the client side. For example, the name and character stats, game difficulty level, etc. (default)
  • server — A read-only attribute. The values for this type of attribute are entered and edited on the server side of your application. We recommend that you use them to configure game character stats or user parameters that shouldn’t change regularly. For example, chance to get a bonus, game character key parameters, user categories, etc.
stringThe name of the attribute that is used to identify the user’s attribute. Must be unique for each user.
Maximum length: 256 symbols. You can use numbers, Latin letters, hyphens, and underscores.
string or nullThe type of access to the user’s attributes affects the list of attributes returned by the methods:
Possible values: public, private (default).
stringThe value of the user’s attribute.
Maximum length: 256 symbols.

User registration

  1. The client sends the Register new user request to the Xsolla Login server.
  2. The Xsolla Login server sends a request to the New user URL. The response must be in the format described in this instruction. In the response, you can specify a list of user attributes.

New user URL response example:

Full screen
Small screen


  • http
  • curl
POST https://your.hostname/your_registration_uri HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {JWT}
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "",
  "password": "123456"
curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://your.hostname/your_registration_uri' \
  --header 'authorization: bearer_JWT' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"email":"","password":"123456"}'

Response example:

Full screen
Small screen
        "attributes": [
            "attr_type": "server",
            "key": "company",
            "permission": "private",
            "value": "facebook-promo"
            "attr_type": "server",
            "key": "custom-id",
            "permission": "private",
            "value": 48582
    1. User data is written to the Xsolla database while the email is flagged as unconfirmed. The user will receive an account confirmation email.
    2. If you have integrated the Login Widget, the user will be redirected to the page with the following message: Please confirm your account following the instructions we sent to {email}.
    3. If user registration is unsuccessful, you can provide an error message that will be displayed in the authentication widget. To do this, in the response to the user creation request, pass the error object with the following details:
      • In the code parameter, specify 011-002.
      • In the description parameter, provide the error message text.
    Example of an object with an error message:
    Full screen
    Small screen
        "error": {
          "code": "011-002",
          "description": "<string>"

      Authentication via username and password

      1. The client sends the Auth by username and password request to the Xsolla Login server.
      2. The Xsolla Login server sends a request to the User verification URL. The response must be in the format described in this instruction.

      New user URL response example:

      Full screen
      Small screen


      • http
      • curl
      POST https://your.hostname/your_authentication_uri HTTP/1.1
      Authorization: Bearer {JWT}
      Content-Type: application/json
        "email": "",
        "password": "123456"
      curl --request POST \
        --url 'https://your.hostname/your_authentication_uri' \
        --header 'authorization: bearer_JWT' \
        --header 'content-type: application/json' \
        --data '{"email":"","password":"123456"}'

      Response example:

      Full screen
      Small screen
            "attributes": [
                "attr_type": "server",
                "key": "company",
                "permission": "private",
                "value": "facebook-promo"
                "attr_type": "server",
                "key": "custom-id",
                "permission": "private",
                "value": 48582
        1. The Xsolla Login server generates a user JWT.
        2. The user is redirected to the login_url with a token query parameter. The token parameter contains the user JWT.
        A new user is created if there is no userdata written to the Xsolla database.

        Passwordless authentication via phone number

        1. The client opens an authentication form so the user can enter their phone number.
        2. The user enters their phone number.
        3. The client sends the Start auth by phone number request to the Xsolla Login server.
        4. The client shows a field so the user can fill in the verification code.
        5. The user enters the received verification code.
        6. The client sends the Complete auth by phone number request to the Xsolla Login server.
        7. If it is the first user authorization, the Xsolla Login server sends a request to the Passwordless login with phone URL. The response must be in the format described in this instruction.

        New user URL response example:

        Full screen
        Small screen


        • http
        • curl
        POST https://your.hostname/your_phone_authentication_uri HTTP/1.1
        Authorization: Bearer {JWT}
        Content-Type: application/json
          "login": "+12025550140",
          "type": "phone"
        curl --request POST \
          --url 'https://your.hostname/your_phone_authentication_uri' \
          --header 'authorization: bearer_JWT' \
          --header 'content-type: application/json' \
          --data '{"login":"+12025550140","type":"phone"}'

        Response example:

        Full screen
        Small screen
              "attributes": [
                  "attr_type": "server",
                  "key": "company",
                  "permission": "private",
                  "value": "facebook-promo"
                  "attr_type": "server",
                  "key": "custom-id",
                  "permission": "private",
                  "value": 48582

          Authentication via social networks

          To get user data when authenticating via social networks, specify Social Login URL in the settings of your Login project in Publisher Account (section User database > Storage > Custom storage). A request with data received from the social network is sent to this URL.

          Authentication flow:

          1. The client sends the Auth via social network request to the Xsolla Login server.
          2. The user logs into a social network.
          3. The Xsolla Login server processes the user data received from the social network and sends a request to Social Login URL. The response must be in the format described in the instruction.

          The request contains data in the temporary token in the Authorization: Bearer <JWT> header. The user JWT passed in the request contains the following data:

          expUnix TimestampThe date and time of the JWT expiry. The JWT lifetime is 7 minutes. Required.
          iatUnix TimestampThe date and time JWT is issued. Required.
          issstringThe service that signed the JWT: Required.
          request_typestringConstant: gateway_request. Required.
          xsolla_login_project_idstring (UUID)Your Login project ID in Publisher Account. Required.
          emailstringUser email address.
          substring (UUID)User ID written on the Xsolla Login server side. Required.
          providerstringName of a social network used for authentication. Required.
          idstringUser ID in a social network. Required.
          Example of a token payload:
          Full screen
          Small screen
            "exp": 1573635020,
            "iat": 1573634600,
            "iss": "",
            "request_type": "gateway_request",
            "xsolla_login_project_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "sub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "email": "",
            "username": "Smith707",
            "provider": "google",
            "id": "123",

          New user URL response example:

          Full screen
          Small screen


          • http
          • curl
          POST https://your.hostname/your_social_authentication_uri HTTP/1.1
          Authorization: Bearer {JWT}
          Content-Type: application/json
          curl --request POST \
            --url 'https://your.hostname/your_social_authentication_uri' \
            --header 'authorization: bearer_JWT' \
            --header 'content-type: application/json'

          Response example:

          Full screen
          Small screen
                "attributes": [
                    "attr_type": "server",
                    "key": "company",
                    "permission": "private",
                    "value": "facebook-promo"
                    "attr_type": "server",
                    "key": "custom-id",
                    "permission": "private",
                    "value": 48582

            User password reset

            1. The client sends the Reset password request to the Xsolla Login Server.
            2. The Xsolla Login server sends the user a password reset confirmation email.
            3. After confirming password reset in the email, the user is redirected to the page where they can enter a new password.
            4. The user enters a new password.
            5. The Xsolla Login server sends a request to the Password reset URL. The response must have the format described in this instruction.

            New user URL response example:

            Full screen
            Small screen


            • http
            • curl
            POST https://your.hostname/your_reset_uri HTTP/1.1
            Authorization: Bearer {JWT}
            Content-Type: application/json
              "username": "",
              "fields": {
                "password": "NewPa$$word1"
            curl --request POST \
              --url 'https://your.hostname/your_reset_uri' \
              --header 'authorization: bearer_JWT' \
              --header 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data '{"email":"","fields":{"password":"NewPa$$word1"}}'
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            Last updated: February 27, 2024

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