Manage a Page

This document shows you how to perform the following tasks for a Facebook Page:

  • Get a list of pages that you can perform a task on including:
    • Specific tasks you can perform on each Page
    • Page access tokens for each Page that you can use to test API calls
  • Get and update details about a Page
  • Get and update settings for a Page
  • Get notifications about suggested changes Meta will be implementing on a Page
    • Accept or reject these suggested changes
  • Get reviews for a Page
  • Block a person from a Page

Before you start

This guide assumes you have read the Pages API Overview.

For a person who can perform tasks on the page, you will need to implement Facebook Login to ask for the following permissions and receive a User or Page access token:

  • pages_manage_engagement
  • pages_manage_metadata
  • pages_manage_posts
  • pages_read_engagement
  • pages_read_user_engagement
  • pages_show_list
  • publish_video permission, if you are publishing a video to the Page

If using a business system user in your API requests, the business_management permission is required.

Your app user must be able to perform the CREATE_CONTENT, MANAGE, and/or MODERATE tasks on the Page in the API requests.

Best practices

When testing an API call, you can include the access_token parameter set to your access token. However, when making secure calls from your app, use the access token class.

Example requests are formatted for readability. Replace bold, italics values, such as page_id, with your values.

Pages, tasks, and tokens

A single API call can give you a lot of information for Pages on which you can perform a task.

Get your Pages

To get a list of all Pages on which you can perform tasks, the tasks you can perform on each page, and a short-lived Page access token for each Page, send a GET request to /user_id/accounts endpoint using a User access token.

Example request

curl -i -X GET 

On success, your app will receive a JSON response with an array of Page objects. Each Page object contains:

  • The name for the Page
  • The ID for the Page
  • The Page category, category name and ID
  • A short-lived Page access token
  • All tasks the user can perform on the Page

Example response

  "data": [
      "access_token": "{facebook-for-developers-page-access-token}",
      "category": "Internet Company",
      "category_list": [
          "id": "2256",
          "name": "Internet Company"
      "name": "Facebook for Developers",
      "id": "{facebook-for-developers-page-id}",
      "tasks": [
      "access_token": "{my-outlandish-stories-page-access-token}",
      "category": "Blogger",
      "category_list": [
          "id": "361282040719868",
          "name": "Blogger"
      "name": "My Outlandish Stories",
      "id": "{my-outlandish-stories-page-id}",
      "tasks": [

Get tasks for others

If you can perform the MANAGE task on the Page, you can get a list of other people who can perform tasks on that Page including the tasks each person can perform.

To get a list of people and the tasks they can perform on the Page, send a GET request to the /page_id/roles endpoint.

Example request

curl -i -X GET ""

On success, your app receives a JSON response with the person's name, their Page-scoped ID, and tasks each person can perform on a Page.

Example response

  "data": [
      "name": "Person One",
      "id": "page_scoped_id_for_one"
        "tasks": [
      "name": "Person Two",
      "id": "page_scoped_id_for_two",
      "tasks": [

Page details

If you can perform the MANAGE task on the Page, you can use a Page access token or if your app has been approved for the Page Public Content Access feature, you can use a User access token, to view details for a Page such as about, email, hours of operation, etc.

Get details

To get details about a Page, send a GET request to the /page_id endpoint with the fields parameter set to the Page details you would like to view.

Note: You can use the /pages/search endpoint to find Page IDs when using the Page Public Content Access feature.

Example request

curl -i -X GET " \

On success, your app receives a JSON response with value for the fields you requested. If a field is not returned in the response, the Page does not have this value set. For example, if the Page has not set the attire field, this field will not be returned in the response.

Update details

If you can perform the MANAGE task on the Page, you can use a Page access token to send a POST request to the /page_id endpoint with the parameters that you want to update, such as the about parameter.

Example request

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "about":"This is an awesome cafe located downtown!",

On success, your app will receive a JSON response with success set to true.

Meta proposed changes

On occassion, Meta will propose changes to the details for your Page, such as fixing a typo, or updating the categories on your Page to help people better find your Page. In order to get these notifications, you must be subscribed to the page_upcoming_change and/or the page_change_proposal webhook.

Once you receive the notification, you can do one of the following:

  • Do nothing and the changes will take affect at the time designated in the notification
  • Actively accept the changes and the changes will take affect immediately
  • Actively reject the changes and no changes will be made

Accept or reject a proposed change

To actively accept or reject a proposed change, send a POST request to the /page_change_proposal_id endpoint with the accept field set to true to accept the change or false to reject it. The page_change_proposal_id is the value you received in the page_upcoming_change webhook notification or value you received in the page_change_proposal webhook notification.

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{

On success, your app receives a JSON response with success set to true.

Page settings

If you can perform the MANAGE task on the Page, you can use a Page access token to send a GET request to the /page_id/settings endpoint to get a list of all the settings for that Page.

Example request

curl -i -X GET ""

On success, your app will receive a JSON response with an array of objects where each object is the setting set to a Page setting and the value, either true or false.

Example response

  "data": [
      "setting": "USERS_CAN_POST",
      "value": false
      "setting": "USERS_CAN_MESSAGE",
      "value": true
      "setting": "USERS_CAN_POST_PHOTOS",
      "value": true

Update a setting

To update the settings for a Page, send a POST request to the /page_id/settings endpoint with the option parameter set to the setting you want to update.

Example request

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "option":{"USERS_CAN_MESSAGE": "true"},

On success, your app receives a JSON response with success set to true.

Get reviews

You can get reviews for a Page, including the name of the reviewer, their Page-scoped ID, whether it was a positive or negative recommendation, and the review text, send a GET request to the /page_id/ratings endpoint.

Example request

curl -i -X GET "" 

On success, your app receives a JSON array with review objects. Each object contains:

  • created_time set to the time the review was created,
  • recommendation_type set to positive or negative
  • review_text set to the content for the review
  • a reviewer object with the name and id for the person who wrote that review
  "data": [
      "created_time": "unixtimestamp",
      "recommendation_type": "positive",
      "review_text": "I love this page!",
      "reviewer": {
        "name": "Person One",
        "id": "psid_for_one"
      "created_time": "unixtimestamp",
      "recommendation_type": "positive",
      "review_text": "This page is wonderful!",
      "reviewer": {
        "name": "Person Two",
        "id": "psid_for_two"

Block a person

To block a person from commenting on a Page, send a POST request to the /page_id/blocked endpoint with the user parameter set to Page-scoped ID for the person you want to block.

Example request

curl -i -X POST ""
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{

On success, your app receives a JSON response with the Page-scoped ID set to true.

 "psid_to_block": true