Business Asset Management APIs

A business can access multiple assets —your business owns them or your business accesses them as an agency. You can use Facebook's Business Management Asset APIs to add, remove, or query the relationship between a business and its assets, and to manage business assets and access to them.

Agency refers to a type of business entity that can manage or access assets owned by another business. This relationship allows the agency to perform specific tasks or actions on the behalf of the client, such as managing ad accounts, pages, or other digital assets.

Documentation Contents


A business can access multiple assets. Learn about Business asset groups. Manage asset groups and users. Check roles that can be assigned to access your assets.


Learn to manage Ad Accounts, Pages, Apps, Instagram accounts, and Catalog.

Business-to-Business Functions

Grant, request and remove access to assets. Share custom audiences. Manage your relationship as an ad agency.

Share Custom Audiences between Business Managers

Learn about the clear roles and responsibilities when accessing an audience belonging to another business.