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Placement Report API Endpoint


The Placement Report API endpoint allows for customized reporting containing placement level data from a campaign's delivery. This new endpoint offers the ability to pull reports with data that was previously only available through the Criteo Platform UI.

There are several dimensions and metrics that can be combined for different insights to show how inventory is playing a role in campaign delivery. A set of filters applied as parameters in the POST request can also be used to limit the data in the report so it only contains relevant details.

The metrics are similar to the ones provided in the Statistics endpoint, but the dimensions allow for seeing performance across the different placements available in a campaign's inventory.


Please note the data in this endpoint for the current day can only be accessed after midnight that day and can take up to 4 hours to become available (so the sum of today's data will be available tomorrow between midnight and 4am).

Placement data is retained for up to 3 months and queries to this endpoint return a maximum of 20000 rows. These limitations are in place to ensure optimal report performance and stability.

Retrieving Placements

The Placement Report API endpoint offers reporting on the performance of inventory based on the available criteria provided in a POST request. Keep in mind the following are required fields for queries on this endpoint: startDate, endDate, advertiserIds, timezone, currency, and disclosed

Examples and definitions for each of the fields are provided in the following pages.

  "data": [{
    "type": "ReportOrder",
    "attributes": {
      "advertiserIds": "22, 4949",  
      "startDate": "2020-11-04",  
      "endDate": "2020-11-04",  
      "format": "json",  
      "timezone": "Asia/Tokyo",  
      "currency": "JPY",
      "dimensions": ["advertiserId", "adSetId", "placement"],
      "metrics": ["displays", "cost"]

The report generated from the POST request is returned in the response. The report is generated in the format specified in the request.

  "data": [{
    "type": "Report",
    "attributes": {
      "rows": [{
        "advertiserId": "22",
        "adSetId": "200094",
        "placement": "My android app",
        "displays": "5577",
        "cost": "0.0200",


Dimensions requested in the API call will return data detailing delivery. The dimensions requested in the POST call will be returned for each row of data returned in the report. There are no restrictions on the number of dimensions or the order of dimensions. Dimensions are provided as an array of strings in the POST request. The full list is below:

advertiserIdId of the advertiser
adsetIdId of the ad set
adsetNameName of the ad set
placementThe name of the ad placement

The dimensions array of the request should contain all requested dimensions as strings in an array.

For example: ['placement','adsetId','environment']


The metrics requested in the POST call will be returned for each available row of data. Metrics are provided as an array of strings in the data payload of the POST request to the API endpoint. The full list of metrics is below:

clicksThe number of clicks driven by the add.
displaysThe number of displays/impressions of ads served on sites through the Criteo Publisher Network.
costThe amount of money spent on Criteo advertising.
salesPc30dThe number of completed e-commerce transactions or purchases. Attribution model pc30d
salesPv1dThe number of completed e-commerce transactions or purchases. Attribution model pv1d
revenuePc30dThe amount of money generated by the online sales. Attribution model pc30d
revenuePv1dThe amount of money generated by the online sales. Attribution model pv1d
cosPc30dCost Of Sales - the ratio between the cost generated by the campaign(s) vs. the revenue generated by the sales, figured as a percentage. Attribution model pc30d
cosPv1dCost Of Sales - the ratio between the cost generated by the campaign(s) vs. the revenue generated by the sales, figured as a percentage. Attribution model pv1d
roasPc30dReturn On Ad Spend - the ratio between the revenue generated and the cost. Attribution model pc30d
roasPv1dReturn On Ad Spend - the ratio between the revenue generated and the cost. Attribution model pv1d
cpoPc30dCost Per Order - the amount of money that needs to be spent to get one order or transaction. Attribution model pc30d
cpoPv1dCost Per Order - the amount of money that needs to be spent to get one order or transaction. Attribution model pv1d
cvrPc30dConVersion Rate - the percentage of completed purchases compared to the clicks that occurred. Attribution model pc30d
cvrPv1dConVersion Rate - the percentage of completed purchases compared to the clicks that occurred. Attribution model pv1d

The metrics array of the request uses the same format as the dimensions array.

For example: ['clicks','displays','roasPc30d']


Filters can be used to be more selective about the data returned in the response and produce a more focused report. A number of filters are required to make a query to the Placement Report endpoint. Filters are provided as properties to the "attributes" object in the data payload of the POST request to the API.

FieldDescriptionOptional/RequiredTypeDefault Value
startDatestart of the periodrequiredDateTime
endDateend of the periodrequiredDateTime
advertiserIdsList of Advertiser Ids separated by commasrequiredstring of ID's separated by commas
adsetIdsList of Ad Set Ids separated by commasoptionalstring of ID's separated by commas
adsetNameFilter for Ad Set namesoptionalstring
timezoneTime zone used for datesrequiredTimezone
currencyCurrency used for amountsrequiredISO 4217 Currency Code
placementFilter the value of the placementoptionalstring
formatFormat of the report provided in the response (json, xml, csv, xls)optionalstringCSV
disclosedundisclosed exchanges for which we don't have the domainrequiredstringtrue