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Legal •Spotify Developer Policy

Spotify Developer Policy

Effective as of 8 May, 2023

The Spotify Platform (as defined in the Developer Terms) is a set of tools that enable developers to develop applications, websites and services (SDAs) and retrieve data from Spotify. To use the Spotify Platform, you must comply with this Developer Policy which is a part of, and hereby incorporated by reference into, the Developer Terms. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein have the meaning given in the Developer Terms. For clarity, you agree that your access to and use of Spotify Platform is subject to the Developer Terms and all other applicable terms and policies.

I. Respect Users and Data

  1. You must read and comply with the Users and Data section of the Developer Terms. The following are a few key points:
    1. Be truthful and transparent. Don’t mislead or confuse users about the ways you intend to use their data. You must provide a privacy policy which clearly describes how you intend to access, use, process and disclose user data. Don’t email users unless they have provided you with their explicit consent, or you obtained their email and permission from somewhere other than the Spotify Platform. Only request and process the data that is needed to operate your SDA.
    2. Give users control of their data. As a general rule, you may store users’ personal data for as long as is necessary to provide your SDA. However, you must provide all users with an easily accessible mechanism to disconnect their Spotify account from your SDA at any time and provide clear instructions on how to do so. Further, when a user disconnects their Spotify account or otherwise expresses an intent to prevent your SDA from accessing their data, you agree to delete and no longer request or process any of that user’s personal data.
    3. Follow the law and user guidelines. Don’t build or distribute an SDA which violates the Spotify user guidelines. Don’t break the law or encourage or enable others to do so.
    4. Security. Make sure your data practices protect users, including providing industry standard security protection for data. You are also responsible for the security measures used by third parties providing services to you.

II. Respect Content and Creators

  1. Endorsement and promotion. Unless you have applicable permissions, don’t build an SDA which implies or suggests any endorsement, tie-in, co-branding or promotion by Spotify (except as allowed in the Branding Guidelines or any creator, artist, rightsholders, or sound recording. For example, your SDA must not have a specific artist or artists as the sole subject of the SDA unless you have applicable permissions.
  2. Artificial manipulation. Don’t artificially increase, or claim to artificially increase, play counts, follow counts or otherwise manipulate the Spotify Service. This includes: (i) using any bot, script or automated process; (ii) by providing any compensation (financial or otherwise); and (iii) any other means.
  3. Misleading use. Don’t confuse or mislead anyone as to the artist, creator or user associated with any Spotify Content.
  4. Attribution.
    1. If you display any Spotify Content you must clearly attribute the content as being supplied and made available by Spotify, by using the Spotify Marks. Our Branding Guidelines include some examples of what you should and shouldn’t do.
    2. Metadata, cover art and Audio Preview Clips must be accompanied by a link back to the applicable album, content or playlist on the Spotify Service.
    3. You must not offer metadata, cover art, and/or Audio Preview Clips as a standalone service or product.
  5. Display metadata and cover art when streaming. If you offer a Streaming SDA, metadata and cover art may only be used in connection with the underlying content, and there shall be no playback of Spotify Content without showing relevant cover art and metadata in your SDA.

III. Some prohibited applications

This section of the Developer Policy identifies some types of SDA and functionality that you must not build, nor enable or encourage others to build:

  1. Do not create ringtone or alert tone functionality or alarm functionality in an SDA, unless you receive Spotify’s written approval.
  2. Do not create a game, including trivia quizzes.
  3. Do not create a voice-enabled SDA that enables a user to control Spotify with their voice, or any kind of voice assistant that provides voice-control functionality.
  4. Do not create any product or service which includes any non-interactive internet webcasting service. For example, you can’t create an application which plays content from a single source to several simultaneous listeners.
  5. Do not create any product or service which is integrated with streams or content from another service.
  6. Do not synchronize any sound recordings with any visual media, including any advertising, film, television program, slideshow, video, or similar content.
  7. Do not permit any device or system to segue, mix, re-mix, or overlap any Spotify Content with any other audio content (including other Spotify Content).
  8. Do not build products and services which are targeted to children. If you have actual or suspected knowledge that specific people using your SDA or online service are children, you must block the use of the Spotify Platform for those people.
  9. Do not build an SDA that enables the transfer of data to another service, except for the purpose of enabling a user to transfer their personal data, or the metadata of the user's playlists to another service.
  10. Do not build products or services which are targeted for use by businesses, such as in-store or by retail employees. Spotify is for personal, non-commercial use which means it can’t be broadcast or played publicly from a business, such as radio stations, bars, restaurants, stores, dance studios, etc., see our Customer Support website for more details.
  11. Do not build products or services that mimic, or replicate or attempt to replace a core user experience of Spotify or its group companies without our prior written permission. Your product or service must add independent value or functionality that improves users’ interactions with Spotify.
  12. Do not generate news media, or commercial product offers.
  13. Do not analyze the Spotify Content or the Spotify Service for any purpose, including without limitation, creating new or derived listenership metrics, benchmarking, functionality, usage statistics, user metrics, or building profiles of users, including for the purpose of targeting them with advertising or marketing.
  14. Do not use the Spotify Platform or any Spotify Content to train a machine learning or AI model or otherwise ingest Spotify Content into a machine learning or AI model.

IV. Streaming and Commercial Use

  1. Streaming only permitted for Premium subscribers. Streaming of music sound recordings through the Spotify Platform shall only be made available to subscribers to the Premium Spotify Service. Please note that (i) Widgets and (ii) Audio Preview Clips may be made available to Spotify users who do not subscribe to the Premium service to the extent such functionality is available through the Spotify Platform. Streaming of podcasts can be made available to all users of the Spotify Service.
  2. Commercial use restrictions. Except for the limited commercial uses for Non-Streaming SDAs (set out below) commercial uses are not permitted for SDAs. Some examples of commercial uses that are not allowed include:
    1. the sale, whether integrated or as a standalone product, of a Streaming SDA, the Spotify Platform, Spotify Content or Spotify Service, or sale of access to any of the foregoing;
    2. any e-commerce (e.g., in-app payment or monetization) initiated via a Streaming SDA;
    3. the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on the Streaming SDA itself.
  3. Limited commercial use permitted for Non-Streaming SDAs. The following are the only permitted commercial uses of Non-Streaming SDAs:
    1. the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on the Non-Streaming SDA;
    2. the sale of, or sale of access to, a Non-Streaming SDA (including any e-commerce initiated via the Non-Streaming SDA).

V. Widgets and Audio Preview Clips

  1. Widgets. If you use Spotify Widgets, you must also comply with the restrictions set out in the Spotify Widgets Terms.
  2. Using Audio Preview Clips. If you use Audio Preview Clips:
    1. You may only make Audio Preview Clips available for streaming in the territories in which the corresponding full length track is available.
    2. Audio Preview Clips may only be used to promote the underlying content and not for personalization or messaging products, podcasts or similar products.
    3. Audio Preview Clips must be accompanied by a link back to the applicable content or playlist on the Spotify Service.
    4. You must not offer Audio Preview Clips as a standalone service or product.

VI. Naming and Branding

  1. If you want to use the Spotify Marks, follow our Branding Guidelines.
  2. You must also follow the Branding Guidelines when naming your SDA. For example, the name should not begin with “Spot” or be confusing in sound or spelling to Spotify. Unless you have applicable permissions, don’t imply any endorsement, tie-in, co-branding or promotion by Spotify.

VII. Access, Usage and Quotas

You must read and comply with the Access, Usage and Quotas section of the Developer Terms. The following are a few key points:

  1. Accessing and registering for the Spotify Platform.
    1. To access and use the Spotify Platform, you must link your developer account to a Spotify account. You will be issued with a client I.D (“Security Code”) for accessing the Spotify Platform and managing your account.
    2. Your account information and contact details must be accurate, complete and up to date. Please make sure to register with an actively monitored email address for service announcements or contacts for further information relating to your developer account. Your access to the Spotify Platform may be removed or restricted if we’re unable to contact you.
  2. Using Security Codes. You must use a separate Security Code for each SDA. You may not use more than one Security Code for each SDA.
  3. Usage and Quotas.
    1. Spotify may use quotas and restrictions to ensure that the Spotify Platform is accessed and used as intended and in accordance with the Developer Terms.
    2. If your SDA reaches a quota limit, you can apply for a quota extension using the forms provided to you. In that case, your quota extension application must specify the use case for which you need the extension.
    3. While we hope to process applications within reasonable timeframes, Spotify makes no guarantees or promises on processing times, or that your quota extension request will be approved.
    4. Your access to the Spotify Platform may be revoked if the review process indicates that your SDA breaches our terms and policies.
    5. If Spotify grants an additional quota:
      • You must use the additional quota granted only for the use case that Spotify reviewed
      • If any of the information you provided to Spotify changes, you must notify Spotify of the change prior to using the additional quota for a non-reviewed use case.
      • If you need to request additional scopes, you can notify Spotify by submitting a scope extension request.
    6. Please note that we review the applications on our platform from time to time. Please ensure compliance with the Developer Terms at all times.