





Timing App Release with visionOS 2 and Getting App is Featured
I am developing a VR game titled “The Simulation™ Archive #1147” and plan to release it in conjunction with the official launch of visionOS 2. Currently, I am building my app using all the Betas (visionOS 2 Beta, Xcode 16 Beta, and macOS Sequoia Beta), which prevents me from creating a build with Xcode 15 that I can “Add for Review” through App Store Connect. My questions are: What steps should I take to ensure a smooth review process and timely release once visionOS 2 is out of Beta? Do I need to downgrade to macOS Sonoma so I can build with Xcode 15 and press “Add for Review”? I believe my app has a decent chance to get featured. Is that something I can find out before releasing the app so I can make the necessary featured artwork? You can check out this mock App Store page for my app. This is roughly what someone will see before downloading the game: https://www.thesimulationtm.com/mock-app-store Also, here is a public TestFlight link that anyone with an Apple Vision Pro can try: https://testflight.apple.com/join/XuP3gtNL Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Urgent: Unable to Access Funds in Developer Account for Almost Two Years
Hello, I am writing to seek urgent assistance with a long-standing issue regarding my Apple Developer account. For nearly two years, I have had funds accumulated in my account from app sales, but I have been unable to access them. Despite numerous attempts to contact Apple Support via email and other channels, I have not received any response or assistance. The funds have remained in my account, and every time I try to reach out for help, my requests go unanswered. This has been a frustrating experience, and I am at a loss on how to proceed further to resolve this matter. Can someone from the Apple Developer Support team please help me with this issue or guide me on how to speak with a representative over the phone? Your assistance in resolving this matter promptly would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Nitzan. Y&N AI Solutions (which is by now already closed)
SwiftData updates delay in widget
My SwiftData model doesn't have time to update, and the widget gets old data on the timeline I create simple SwiftData app with widget extension. To share swiftdata between widget and app I use the same approach as in sample code "Adopting SwiftData for a Core Data app": let modelContext = ModelContext(DataModel.shared.modelContainer) if let models = try? modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor) { // use } After I create/delete/updated model I call: WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() The problem is that the widget receives outdated data as a result of modelContext.fetch. To get the new data I need to call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() twice or with some delay: // MyModelEditorView private func save() { if let myModel { myModel.title = title } else { let myModel = MyModel( title: title ) modelContext.insert(word) } WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() // i have to call it twice WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() } I couldn't test SampleCode for similar update behavior, because somehow I couldn't get the models into the widget and I only have "No Trip" displayed there. If I remove the second call, the UI is updated immediately and the new title is displayed, but the widget in the timeline receive the old title. I don't understand whether this is the case and I need to update the widget with a delay or am I doing something wrong? BTW: Why is sample code in init we don't use shared container? private let modelContainer: ModelContainer init() { do { // why we don't use DataModel.shared.modelContainer modelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: Trip.self) } catch { fatalError("Failed to create the model container: \(error)") } }
In-App Purchase works in TestFlight but not after Distribution
Good Day, This is my first app with In-App Purchase (IAP) for three simple consumable products. Ad For 1 Month, 2 Months and 3 Months. It works fine in Xcode and in TestFlight. App was approved and was automatically placed in App Store for distribution on July 25 morning. App publishes user's first ad free, by-passing StoreKit. but 2nd Ad onwards goes thru IAP. App works fine except screen with 3 consumable products/prices is not being displayed. Means IAP is not available in the distributed App whereas it all works fine in TestFlight. I googled, checked documents, asked chatGPT and submitted a question to Support (waiting for response). I don't know what I am missing. I read that it takes a day or two for IAP to work in App Store. Will appreciate any help. Thanks.
How can I specify which git branch for Xcode Cloud to run a workflow on with a manual start condition?
We have all of our CD except for deploys in another provider for the moment. From that provider (Github Actions), we want to use the API to kick off a deploy/archive workflow. We're using the new manual start condition that gets called if everything else in our pipeline passes. However, it's not clear how to specify which branch to run the workflow on. I know you can get the ScmGitReference when the workflow is already running on a branch based off of other start conditions, but I want to allow the deploy to run on any branch, theoretically, and control whether the deploy workflow gets kicked off or not from my third-party location. How do I do this?
App crashing on iOS JSON encode
Crashed: com.apple.root.user-initiated-qos.cooperative 0 Foundation 0x4e2a4 specialized String.withUTF8(:) + 100 1 Foundation 0x4eb8c JSONWriter.serializeString(:) + 100 2 Foundation 0x4e810 JSONWriter.serializeJSON(:depth:) + 92 3 Foundation 0x4cfd4 JSONWriter.serializeObject(:depth:) + 888 4 Foundation 0x4e914 JSONWriter.serializeJSON(:depth:) + 352 5 Foundation 0xd06fc JSONEncoder.encode(:) + 624 6 Foundation 0xd0484 dispatch thunk of JSONEncoder.encode(_:) + 56
Xcode cloud queue taking long
Hi, When a workflow is started, its taking more than an hour to start the actual archive and in all this time its stuck in the queue. When it starts after more than an hour, the archive is also taking more than 30 minutes and once this whole process reaches 2 hours, it just fails with this error, Build has exceeded the maximum allotted time. Each build can run for up to 120 minutes. If a build has not yet finished at this time, all incomplete actions will be cancelled. I have been using Xcode cloud for long time now but never experienced such behavior before. What is the issue?
AVPlayer Error -16170
Hi I'm trying to run a 4K video on my Apple TV 4K, but I get error in AVPlayer. Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-16170 I can't get any more information. Example HSL Manifest with video track in 4K: #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:AUDIO="aud_mp4a.40.2",AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=11955537,BANDWIDTH=12256000,VIDEO-RANGE=SDR,CODECS="hvc1.1.6.L153.90,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=3840x2160,FRAME-RATE=50,HDCP-LEVEL=TYPE-1 video_4/stream.m3u8 Maybe, problem with hvc1 ? But as far as I know, Apple TV supports HEVC.
Its not possible to use a Contact Provider Extension from within a Notification Service Extension
A Notification Service Extension is one of the more capable extensions, and there's a lot that can be done within it (for example, it can invoke a Call Extension). However its not possible to use a Contact Provider Extension within it. If a CPE has been enabled by the main app, then if a push is sent to the NSE, then within the NSE the ContactProviderManager class reports that the CPE is disabled and its not possible to anything with it. For example a call to ContactProviderManager.signalEnumerator() will hang and not complete. I was hoping to create a contact and make it available to the system on receipt of a push, but this isn't going to possible. Is this intentional and by design, or just due to the immaturity of this feature/iOS beta? The documentation of a Contact provider Extension says: "signalEnumerator() An example of using this call is to handle a push notification to your app when the provided contacts from your server update" It therefore seems strange that the main cited use case for ContactProviderManager.signalEnumerator() isn't actually possible if the push is delivered to an extension rather than the app.
What can be done about XCode always spinning its wheels and stuck on installing/attaching to app?
I have a real problem with XCode (15 and 16) which is that all the time it'll get stuck installing/attaching to an app. It'll be working fine one minute, I can make a code change, build, and run the app (on hardware) and everything will be fine. But then make another change, build and run again and now XCode will get stuck saying "Installing app to phone" / "Attaching to app on phone". If I click stop and try and run again now there'll be two "Installing app to phone" instances running, do it again and then there'll be three and so on. If I quit XCode and relaunch it then it does not fix the issue, I have to terminate XCode and reboot the phone. And then it'll be ok again, but only for about 10 minutes, but then it'll start doing the exact same thing again. Its impossible to work like this, having to reboot the phone every 10 minutes or so. Is there any solution or tricks? (is it possible to kill the hung task within XCode for example?)
vnop_strategy unexpectedly zero-extends files
On implementing vnop_mmap, vnop_strategy and other related VNOPs as suggested in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756358 my vnop_strategy routine ends up zero-extending files. I don't understand why my filesystem behaves as described above. Perusing the source code of both the relevant parts of Darwin/XNU and SMBClient did not clarify things for me. A nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. The technical details of the issue are given in the plain text file attached, as some text was found to be sensitive. Unsure what exactly it was. apple-dts-issue-desc.txt
macOS 15 + Xcode 16 Beta 4 Problem with .task {} and async function
Hi everyone, when I was doing some testing on macOS 15 + Xcode 16 Beta 4 I noticed that my app's performance took a significant hit. A simple task that previously was completed within 15 seconds or less now took about a minute to complete. I came to the conclusion that the only plausible cause could be the way .task {} and asynchronous functions are handled. Starting several .task{} and calling async functions from within using macOS 14.5 and Xcode 15.4 results in following log output: task1 started task3 started task2 started task4 started --> task2 ended --> task3 ended --> task4 ended --> task1 ended` Running the same code on macOS 15.0 + Xcode 16 Beta 4 will result in the following log output: task1 started --> task1 ended task2 started --> task2 ended task3 started --> task3 ended task4 started --> task4 ended In the first example the code is executed in 'parallel'. All tasks are started and doing there respective work. In second example a task is started and we are waiting for it to complete before the other tasks are started. I could start to rewrite my code to get the results I desire, however I'm wondering if this is a bug in regards to macOS 15 + Xcode 16 Beta 4 and the way .task {} and asynchronous functions are handled. The output is quite different after all. What's your take on this? If you want to try it out for yourself you can use the following sample code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { func func1() async -> Int { print("task1 started") var myInt: Int = 0 while myInt < 999999999 { myInt += 1 } print(" --> task1 ended") return 1 } func func2() async -> Int { print("task2 started") var myInt: Int = 0 while myInt < 999999 { myInt += 1 } print(" --> task2 ended") return 2 } func func3() async -> Int { print("task3 started") var myInt: Int = 0 while myInt < 999999 { myInt += 1 } print(" --> task3 ended") return 3 } func func4() async -> Int { print("task4 started") var myInt: Int = 0 while myInt < 999999999 { myInt += 1 } print(" --> task4 ended") return 4 } var body: some View { VStack { Text("Hello, world!") } .task { await func1() } .task { await func2() } .task { await func3() } .task { await func4() } } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Limitations about Indexed Items for CoreSpotlight?
I know that I can index a maximum of 32767 CSSearchableItem in my application. Won't there be performance issues in a scenario where each application has the maximum number of indexes? How does the system deal with this situation? Also, let's say an application indexes the most used 32767 words, won't it abuse the system in this way and be at the top of the search results? What does Apple do about this? Is there documentation somewhere that specifically details this questions?
App store preview images other than screenshots
I'm trying to figure out where/how I can post images to my app store listing that aren't directly screenshots of my app. When I browse the app store, plenty of images for apps are something like a screenshot overlayed on top of some promotional text. When I create my app store listing, I am only allowed to post exact screenshots from an iphone/ipad. Any deviation gets rejected. What I'd like to do is have a screenshot that ALSO has some text above/below it for promotional and explanation purposes. Any idea what I'm missing? How do I do this?
Drag-and-drop from Safari
I am experimenting with drag-and-drop on iPadOS. If I drag a JPEG image from a webpage in Safari to my app, I get items of types public.jpeg and public.url. Typically, the URL is the URL of the image. If, however, the image is itself a link, then the URL seems to be the target of the link. Is there some way that I can always get the URL of the image itself? Is there some way that I can determine whether the URL I have received is the URL of the image or of a link?
TransferRepresentation slow transfer for large video files.
Hi, I notice a very slow transfer rate when I try to transfer a file picked via .photosPicker. This happens especially when I try to import a 4k/60fps video. SwiftUI: VStack { Button("Pick a video") { model.isPhotoPickerView = true } .photosPicker(isPresented: $model.isPhotoPickerView, selection: $model.selectedImageList, maxSelectionCount: 1, matching: .videos) .onChange(of: model.selectedImageList, { old, new in model.handlePhotoPicker() }) } View Model to handle Photo Picker action: private class PageModel: ObservableObject { //other methods @MainActor public func handlePhotoPicker() { if selectedImageList.isEmpty { return } guard let item = selectedImageList.first else { return } Task { do { if let video = try await item.loadTransferable(type: VideoTransferable.self) { let file = video.url //video url arrived } } catch { //handle error } } } } Now the VideoTransferable : struct VideoTransferable: Transferable { let url: URL static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation { FileRepresentation(contentType: .movie) { video in SentTransferredFile(video.url) } importing: { received in //takes too much time to import large 4K video recorded from iPhone's main camera let copy = FileManager.documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(FolderType.temp.rawValue).appendingPathComponent("video_\(Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)).MOV") if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: copy.path) { try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: copy) } try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: received.file, to: copy) return Self.init(url: copy) } } } To my surprise this issue doesn't happen when I use a custom UIViewControllerRepresentable to wrap UIImagePickerController() and setting videoExportPreset property of the picker to AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough Can someone point me out where I am wrong?
How does an app manage its own contacts?
In the documentation for the Contact Provider Extension contact provider it says Use the Contact Provider framework if your app manages its own contacts and wants to make them available in other apps that use the Contacts framework. But how does an app manage its own contacts? What needs to be done differently if it manages its own contacts versus managing a user's contacts? Does the user still need to grant contacts access for example? Is there a special group/domain that should be used (how) to add app contacts? There's no mention of any of this that I can see in the documentation for CNContact or CNContactStore.