Ms Duane tumblr needs to know how you feel about being a playable character in Write n Fight. Neil Gaiman & Chuck Tingle have weighed in, now we just need you and Seanan McGuire for Blorbo Bingo

- Asked by treemaidengeek

I’d happily be a playable character if I could be one who uses a sword. (An Oakeshott Type XIII by preference. A katana would be very much a second choice [even though I have a lot more training with those] since iaido tends to make for very short fights that leave the viewers going “wait, what just happened there??.)

Otherwise I would prefer to be an NPC who leans against the nearest wall critiquing the fighters’ style and making side bets on how long they’ll last. :)

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    Ms Duane tumblr needs to know how you feel about being a playable character in Write n Fight. Neil Gaiman & Chuck Tingle...