Press News

We are proud to present our Fall 2024 catalog, which features a stellar roster of important authors writing on topics both far and wide and close at hand.


Columbia University Press

On CUP Blog

Erasure and denial of the past are not the only ways to suppress historical claims and reproduce privilege. Chana Teeger's research in two racially diverse South African schools shows how the past can be recalled while its legacies are ignored.

The post

Why History Lessons Are So Threatening to Those with Power

Chana Teeger

first appeared on Columbia University Press Blog.

In this Q&A, Michiko Suzuki’s discusses Humanitarian Internationalism Under Empire. The book is the first English written research monograph about the history of the Japanese Red Cross movement.

The post

Michiko Suzuki on Decentering the Western Humanitarian Movement:

Japanese Indigenous Humanitarianism (Jindō)

first appeared on Columbia University Press Blog.

An Impossible Friendship invites us to glimpse alternative possibilities within and alongside the fraught history of Israel/Palestine.

The post

An Impossible Friendship and the Possibilities of Friendship in Israel/Palestine

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi

first appeared on Columbia University Press Blog.

On his death fifty years ago, Vannevar Bush was celebrated with a page one obituary in the New York Times. He died quietly in his home in the late hours of June 29, and his passing was met with the...

The post

Technology and Vannevar Bush, Fifty Years Later

G. Pascal Zachary

first appeared on Columbia University Press Blog.

Ten years ago, on June 15, 2014, Ta-Nishi Coates published his watershed Atlantic article, “The Case for Reparations.” An immediate cultural flashpoint, Coates’s piece sought to legitimize the demand for racial reparation in the contemporary United States by documenting how...

The post

Beyond Repair:

The Psychic Life of Reparation

Carolyn Laubender

first appeared on Columbia University Press Blog.