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Theodora Malcolm
June 27, 2024

(1)A tenant is forced to rent an apartment complex's washer and dryer(which is a separate fee from rent) and the decision to rent these cannot be changed for the life of the lease as well. If the tenant already owns a washer and dryer, the complex makes that tenant purchase renter's insurance. Very seldom does the tenant receive a new washer and dryer and maintenance does not repair them efficiently when they break down.
(2) Two to three times a year, the tenant's rent increases by $30 - $50 or more. This forces the already struggling tenant to fall farther and farther behind in rent payments. When a tenant can't afford anywhere else and is forced to move out, what can they do when they have to provide for their children? The system is already stressed with previous homeless families...funding is null from agencies.
(3) Wiring in seemingly well kept apartments need to be inspected more often. I know first-hand of a little boy who was shocked while taking a shower in this kind of apartment.
And yes, apartments are charging tenants to use their choice of online payment systems. I think I pay $3.95 each time I use it. Also, There is no more 5 day grace periods on rents. It is now the 1st of each month and after the 3rd, a $95 late fee is charged!