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paul casacci
April 22, 2024

Sometimes having a physical item isn't even good enough if it has electronics in it. I have a printer, a huge wide carriage thing that was deemed out of date by the manufacturer, so they stopped writing drivers for it. The last Windows OS that can use the drivers is Win95!! So I have to keep an ancient laptop which is the only thing that can talk to it!

Same with computers, "smart" appliances, etc. When they are deemed not worth a new upgrade to work with what society considers "current", they may potentially just stop working, even though you own that physical object.

That's also why my wife wants me to physically print out some of our holiday pictures and other images. She worries that if a computer crashes, or a disk is damaged or a memory stick is compromised, all those wonderful digital items will be gone. We are old enough to have photo albums that go back to the early 1900's (my grandmother was born in 1898) and treasure them. Yet there is a huge gap between their end and now. Images of events which are only contained in electronics which could be unreadable in a short amount of time.

And storage in "the cloud" isn't any safer if a business closes or is hacked or whatever. We may be old fashioned, but a 3x5 paper picture can be viewed even when the power is off. (Yes I know they can fade, which is why I have a pigment ink printer...)