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Tricia K
April 19, 2024

I'm not happy as a consumer to be locked into the subscription life. I can't own my software anymore. I am paying for the entire cost of it each and every year. I have to buy the apps new when I upgrade my device. The new software creates such large files, I'm forced into a computer upgrade.

All of this creates waste for no value. Or, very little value. Quite frankly I'm not impressed with AI. All it does is rearrange existing material. If it can't vacuum or do the dishes, it's rather useless.

Do I have any rights as a consumer? No regulations equal no accountability. While these corporations complain about "government". I have complaints against their price gouging. They are making money hand over fist and destroying the middle class that built their businesses to begin with. They need to ACT responsibility. They do not live in a vacuum or separate from the society and community that supports them.

Employees are also customers.

We can have reasonable regulations and still have plenty of "choice". When we don't have money we have zero choices.